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ToastedWhiskers is offline
Old 02-02-2008, 06:38 PM

[I know, right? I think it's awesome. AHAHA. She DOES look pregnant. Pregnant with Fuuka. *dies* I know, isn't he? So gay, too. I mean, dude. He like, does this girl flap of the ARMS as his attack.]

Even with the bitch behind him prodding his back the entire way to the gym, James was frighteningly cheerful as he walked. Slouched, his hands in his pockets, face as bland as ever, he seemed without a care in the world... And thus his subordinates ran after seeing him, sure that some amazing miracle had happened and ready to spread the gossip. And he didn't even care. He even hummed slightly, no tune in particular, just a jazz beat that he had heard somewhere. Probably Lizzie had sung it to him when he was younger.

By the time he actually arrived at the gym, Lain was already there, and by the sound of it rustling around in the equipment closet. Looking around, he noted with amusement that today's course had been Gymnastics- too bad he had missed it, he wasn't half bad. Instead of setting to dragging the bars and mats away and setting up the court for basketball, which they were supposed to do, he quietly pulled himself up to sit on one of the higher bars, amusing himself with watching Lain's antics.

But that only lasted so long. "Long time no see, Neon." And if that slightly cheerful greeting wasn't enough to make anyone's skin crawl, then there wasn't shit that would.