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MonkeyGirl18 is offline
Old 01-03-2017, 03:57 AM

January 3rd:


My favorite 2016 memory.... hmmm.... I don't really know. Most of the things I remembered are negative. Though, if I remember one later, I will edit it in.


~Went into work finding out someone had called out, so I was put on drive-through cash and both drive through lanes on headset. While I can handle both lanes when it isn't insanely busy while doing cash, it started to get busy and I started getting overwhelmed. At times, I had someone take over the other lane. But, when they stopped and I had to do all three, I was doing ln1, ln2, cash.... in that order. Then someone decided to be like "You know there are people turning around? You need help." Like, they may have had good intentions, but........ You don't say that to a worker. We were short-handed. I would have help if we had another person working. I was trying my best. I'm overwhelmed which makes me seem grouchy and my patience would be wearing thin, especially when the touch screen on the computers I was using was being jerks and the cashless, card reader machine wouldn't read the cards the first time I swipe them so I have to end up swiping them 100 times. But, I was getting very anxious and starting to not be able to handle it. They sent me home early, but they tend to do that to meet labor requirements or if they need someone to go home since someone came in and we didn't need everyone that was there. But, just don't tell the order taker that people are leaving. The order taker is doing their best, and if you don't know how they're feeling, if they're doing more than one lane and cash, then you can't just complain because it's taking longer than a couple of seconds to take your order. Like, if you're going to go to McD's and the drive-through lanes wrap around the building, don't complain when people turn around. It's not our fault. It's just rush hour and it's always busy.

---Enough with the ranting/venting......---

Last edited by MonkeyGirl18; 01-03-2017 at 05:19 PM..