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Jeryck is offline
Old 03-09-2008, 09:29 PM

Hello again, my fellow Menewshans! I'm here to pass on yet another email from Sir Keane! But first, I myself will respond to one of the questions, as Sir Keane himself wasn't there to know the answer to it!

Well that does not sound too good, in relation to the events that occured during Valentines Day. Isn't a black heart-face fox accompany Vicktoria Valentine?
As it happened, Miss Valentine had several foxes at her disposal...

*clears his throat* But perhaps we should move on to Sir Keane's message... I need to respond to it quickly, I believe, so I'll make my reply here short!


From: Sir Keane
Subject: re: Heartface foxes

Is moving into the mountains the best idea. Doesn't that Chimera live there?
Does one? Facinating! I must see if I can locate it!

Jeryck - you must send me every scrap of information you have on this Chimera! I'll be closing down camp immediately - I've gathered quite a lot of information on the heartface foxes and I could use the extra few days in the mountains to try to locate this Chimera!

Aha! So they have been known to change other colors!
Indeed, indeed! Though I don't believe you should expect to see one wander into the streets of Menewsha anytime soon! Ha ha!

Can you tell me the story about the "Hearted Fox Who Became a Man"?
Certainly! I've attached it!

But I really must end this now - if I hurry, I can have camp broken down and the foxes said a proper goodbye to and leave for the mountains before nightfall!

Thanks for the information on the Chimera! Exciting news!




This is an excerpt from The Book of Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and Legends of Menewsha: Volume IV (Fairy and Folk Tales), compiled by and re-written by literary historian, Sir Cassian Keane the Third.

The Hearted Fox Who Became a Man

Once there was a hearted fox who wished to be a man. "Surely things are easier," he thought. "They can walk on two legs, they have hands to grasp with, and they are so fascinating to watch - they must be fun to talk to!"

So very badly did he wish to be a man that the hearted fox left his friends, the other foxes, and moved to the capital city. He had decided to stay there for a time. "Certainly I can learn what it is to be a man here!"

During a year, he saw acts of kindness and generosity that made his fur gleam white. And sometimes he saw acts of greed or spite that turned him coal black. But he never changed his mind about wanting to be a man. "I know what it is to be a man, and I now I also know what it is to be a shoddy one."

But the hearted fox studied men and women for another year before he finally sought out the Witch of the Wood. He made his way to her hut in the forest and knocked three times. Knock. Knock. Knock. He waited a few moments, politely, but when no one came to answer him, he said aloud, "Mother of the Wood, will you please answer your door?"

A creaky old voice like wind in the branches of old, dead trees replied, "What sort of creature is it that comes to my door and knocks three times, Knock. Knock. Knock. and wants to see the Mother of the Wood?"

The hearted fox shifted from one foot to the other before replying. "It is I, the hearted fox who wants to become a man!"

There was a long pause before there was a great groaning, like the sound of tree trunk bending under the weight of a heavy winter snow. The door opened a crack and a beady yellow eye peaked out of the door. The owner of the eye said, "The Witch of the Wood doesn't do anything for free. If you want something from her, you'll have to do something for me."

"Name your fee," the hearted fox said after thinking it over.

"There is a woman I want killed -" the owner of the yellow eye began.

"No," the hearted fox interrupted as politely as possible.

"There is something I want you to steal -" the owner of the yellow eye tried again.

"No," the hearted fox replied, steadfast.

"Shaping up to be a fine man, aren't you?" the owner of the yellow eye sneered. "Then you'll have to give me something of yours!"

"I'm not sure I possess much," the hearted fox said politely, "But if I can give it to you, perhaps we have a deal."

"Men don't need to live as long as you. Give me your extra years and I'll give you a fine man's body and a man's lifetime."

The hearted fox thought a moment. He had lived many mens lifetimes already and would have liked to have lived many more. "That's all any man can ask for," he finally replied.

"Done!" the owner of the yellow eye replied and slammed the door.

At first, the hearted fox thought nothing had happened, so he reached out to knock again - and noticed he had a man's hand. He knew of a pool of water nearby, so he ran (awkwardly, as he was not used to human legs) to see himself. He dropped to the side of the water and looked within - only to laugh at the face of the young man he saw in his reflection.

The hearted fox had become a man - and he lived as a man for a man's lifetime and was as happy as he made other people, which was quite happy indeed.