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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 04-14-2014, 07:37 PM

It wasn't completely bothersome, at least not last year. I worked retail so I was never able to go out on weekends to enjoy my summer and my days off fell on days my boyfriend worked so I didn't want to go out alone. I didn't really get to enjoy much of anything for a summer and even at that, it developed later on, a little closer to fall.

I had worried about this summer as I don't know how bad it can get. Before I got the stuff from the dermatologist, it would swell to the point of hurting while I showered or even washed the dog or dishes. It was more irritating than anything and luckily, it doesn't do anything to strike up OCD tendencies. When it's dried out however, that's different. I put the stuff on last night so my palms are dry and the spots that swell up look and feel dry. It's not as bad today (as I've been bad and forgot to put the stuff on for a while) but the skin can flake off as well and of course I have to pick that off. It's like it's set in my mind that if I can pick it all off my hands won't do it anymore.

I know what you mean with that, at least picking at things. That sounds slightly painful though >.>

Mine is hereditary as well, though from my father's side. I wasn't even aware that there was a history of skin issues in my family until this. Just on his side though. When I told my mom about what I had she had no idea where it could have come from.