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Akarii Saisoko
Akarii Saisoko is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 04:22 AM

Silas chuckled and sniffed the air "You reak of Hell and over used cologne" He muttered under his breath. He Yawned his great oure white teeth glowing like pearls in his mouth. He sighed and combed his fingers through his hair. He chuckled and lifted the man's wrist with his hand lightly "The brother is always the next to go" he muttered in his head. "Best I kill him now." He whispered pulling from the base of his wing a small dagger. "Maybe later" He though pplacing it against his calf hiding it from Chiaro.

"You know you can always just talk to his soul if it is ever found." he muttered looking for the lifeless man's soul. Not finding it around he figured maybe he would look around the house. He looked around and felt around on the book shelf finding books about simple things. Then he looked closer and quickly took to the fact that out of all the books none of them began with "The" and they appeared to spell out a message in the titles. He removed a scrap of paper from the desk of the man as well as a pen and began to jot down the first letters of all the titles.