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full of sound and fury (you know the rest)
twotickets is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 01:21 AM

Shino had assumed the girl could stop time, and he'd planned to follow her out of time when she stopped it, but he was totally unprepared for how surreal it was. Everyone around him was completely still, stopped in mid-breath, mid-talk, mid-gesture. Some people had started to throw knives and forks at each other, and the cutlery was now levitating in midair. He wondered whether those things would drop to the floor if he touched them.

He had scant seconds to notice all of this before he sensed movement beyond the awkward struggling of the girl. Some dude was headed his way, putting a hand on his shoulder. Shino tensed up for a fight, but it never came.

People were starting to move again-- the panda was wobbling-- a girl appeared out of thin air-- strangely, the same things seemed to be happening over and over again, stopping and starting every time he blinked. He released the girl's wrist and covered his eyes, trying desperately to stave off a panic attack.