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Slade White
Dead Account Holder
Slade White is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 11:37 PM

Looking down at the girl whose head rested on his shoulder, Slade smirked a bit. How could he be so foolish as to think there was something mysterious going on? Hezza told he and Rion everything, anyway. ...Right? Shaking his head at himself, he stepped away from Hezza's tear-drawing laughter.
"Calm down," he said, placing a hand on the top of her head. "It's not that funny, Hezza."

He gave her a light smile, retreating back into the home like he normally did. Unlike Hezza and Rion, Slade wasn't much of a talker or socializer. Sometimes he tried to go out of his comfort zone in order to make friend, but he decided it wasn't for him. For some reason, though, people seemed to flock to him whenever he went into the town; it was probably because he was rich.

Placing himself on the couch, he slung his leg over the back like he always had. Slade had become very predictable, but he didn't mind. Who did he have to impress? No one, he decided. He rested his head on a decorative pillow, retrieving a book from underneath the cushion. Since all three members of the house were avid readers, Slade had to, sometimes, hide books in order to finish them. This was one of those times.

A smile lit up his face as he turned a page, the satisfying smell of old literature entering his nostrils.
"Nothing like a good book," he mused to himself, licking his fingers to turn one more page of tiny text.