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Most shy away from conflict. I embrace it, as it embodies who I am.
Andraus is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 09:28 PM

RAGE Intro trailer - YouTube

May 13th, 2039. The Day of the great war.

"First Nuclear War-head Impact, in T-minus 1 hour " Joseph Antonio Vazquez's Nueral uplink buzzed. He pressed to his temple, where it was. "Roger Atlas Control, This is One-One-Three-Four, All Crypt's Secure, activating Emergency Nanite Injection. Cyrogenic Life-support System's online."he said, Over-seeing as the Men, women, and childern Entered the Stasis Pod's. While Everyone Wasen't Looking, Joseph Reached into his Ark-suit, and pulled out a Picture of his family. He then Silently Cursed himself For Not having the gut's to be with them right now.

His Mind was still plauged By the event's of Yestarday.....

May 12th, 2039

"Mom, Dad, Listion! I can Reserve you a Spot in my Ark, All you need to do Is purchase a Spot!"he Argued with them, and was Met with the Same Response. They would rather Die, then live in a Post-Apocalyptic hell. He knew argueing with them was Pointless, but he had to try.

"Big Brother......." Said a Small voice. Joseph's 10 year old sister was facing him. she handed him a Check for 10 grand. It would be Enough to Offically Reserve His spot in the Ark.

"But.......Nicole, This is the money for your Spot in the Ark! We Promised to go together! "Joseph pleaded with her, knowing that she was as Stubborn as his parent's.

"I'm going Ahead, Big brother. We will be watching over you.....we will wait for you. Good luck "she said and hugged him. She then went to stand by his parent's.

Joseph wanted to Continue to Argue, but knew it wouldn't do No good. He grounded his teeth, to fight back tear's, then turned, and walked out.

May 13th.

"All Ark's Secure, Buriel Sequence Initiated, Final Preparation's complete" His Nueral uplink brought him back to earth, and then Joseph went, and turned on His Chamber "Roger Atlas Control, All Target's Confirmed, Diagonstic's complete. This is One-One-Three Four, signing off. "he said, and then Froze himself, his picture in his hand. The Final message Broadcasted, before the Worled was swallowed in fire, was this. "This is Atlas Control, signing off........May we live to See another day" "It said, then the World was Consumed in Atomic Fire.

May 14th, 2475. Present Day.

A Alarm awoke Joseph, and he Slowly Unfroze. The Emergency Nanite injection Commensed, and He fell out ofhis chamber. He looked around, and saw that each of the Other Ark Participent's were Dead by Freezer burn. Ignoring them, Joseph Put on his Enviormental Ark-suit, and grabbed a Small 10mm pistol. He then hooked up his Wrist PDA data pad, and downloaded the Archieve's. After all is said and done, He activated the Exit Sequence, and slowly stepped outside into the Big unknown.

Last edited by Andraus; 08-01-2012 at 09:45 PM..