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Waffle is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 06:09 PM

  • Flatsales/Pricing
During Flatsales, pastries will cost 350 gold. All art payments will be made through donations. If the flatsale is over, you cannot buy one unless you purchase it pre-sale. Then it will cost double the price, which is 700 gold. I take current monthly CIs as payment, one CI for one pet, and so on.

During flatsales, which last for about a week, 5 fs slots will be open. If the slots are filled before the flatsale ends, then I might open a couple more. If the slots aren’t filled by the time the flatsale ends, the slots don’t roll over to the next one. One person can buy as many pets as they want, and it will only take up 1 slot. However, if they are buying for other people, it will take up slots like normal.

  • There are three different types of pastries to choose from.

  • Raw Dough.

A ball of raw dough. It currently doesn’t move. However, if taken care of properly,
it might form into something spectacular.

  • Leaf
A magical leaf. You can choose to take care of it, or blow it like a whistle.
However, it seems to be releasing out some form of rays, so I wouldn’t suggest putting your lips near it. o.O;;

  • Banana
A banana! Don’t eat it! If you decide to eat it,
you’ll never know what it will evolve into! It might be the greatest of the three! (Propaganda trick xDDD)



  • Please use this form when ordering:

DINGDING! I have an order!
Type of Pastry(ies):
Pastry(ies)’s name:
Likes to (keep this under 32 letters, including spaces and periods):

Pastry result looks like:

  • Owner’s list:

Last edited by Waffle; 07-05-2008 at 02:18 AM..