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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-15-2013, 09:45 PM

Jade had made to move when Corrine fell again but it seemed his customer had beat him to it. That was alright. So long as everyone was alright and no one got hurt from his new employee's clumsiness. Still he couldn't help but wonder how safe his dishes would be. Still they could certainly be easier to replace and it would be better for dishes to break instead of people. He ran a hand through his hair, watching the two for a moment, and then his green eyes shifted to the violinist. She had stopped playing, but for a moment it seemed she was only concerned for Corrine, that concerned look seemed to change though. Jade continued to smile as it became clear to him that Tara was lost in some day dream now.

With a shake of his head, to clear away distractions, Jade began moving about behind the counter. Mostly straightening things that didn't really need it and wiping down the tops of the glass display cases that most of the sweet things were displayed in. A lot of the cakes and other sweets in the display cases weren't even on Jade's menu. He couldn't help it, he had gotten carried away with baking and making sure he had enough items to open the cafe with. He started to hum lightly as he moved around making sure everything was nice and clean and presentable.