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Staria is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 09:04 PM

As the young man nearly fell she glanced over slightly and tilted her head to the side in cat like curiosity. She twitched an ear, inwardly wondering if her voice had startled him that much. She was tempted to apologize until he began to demand to hear her voice again. That was not a usual reaction. For a moment as he continued with such hyper excitement she seemed to have trouble understanding him as english was not her native tongue and he spoke so fast. She understood it and spoke it well but when people spoke with enough emotion or speed it sometimes made the words 'blur' so to speak. Still, as she focused on each word and pause she soon had what he said sorted out. She had started to speak when he was already moving again and she was left blinking in uncertainty. He was so curious it was rather dizzying!

"...I... Well. I am Uranaya Helceon. You may call me Nara as my name is long... My people call themselves Faelira but most people just call them snow cats and seem uncertain whether or not we exist" She paused, seeming to smile to herself at some inner thought. Her people lived in snowy mountain peaks and shunned other races. Occasionally they were seen in their full cat form, watching the world from their pristine homes. They were not cruel, however, so would occasionally lead travelers out of blizzards, a shadowy white cat ghost against the snow. Accordingly they were regarded more as traveling tales then real creatures and few believed her when she said she was one. The Faelira would be fine with that... once you were out cast you were no longer considered one of 'the spirit people' as the name loosely translated.

"I do not know what else to tell you, however... I know ice magic and water magic and a few special spells but that is all" She added thoughtfully. All of her kind could control ice, most could control water, but she had a few of her own special powers...Including a strange blue force that burned and looked like fire yet produced no heat. This ability had always made her feared but it was not what caused her to be outcast.