Thread: Challange me
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Shotacon is offline
Old 03-04-2011, 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten View Post
Sorry for not coming back in here sooner. xD

You are really good. I like and enjoyed what you've written for the challenges so far, particularly the one anaxilea gave you. :lol:
There is one minor thing which is bugging me about your latest one, the "sound rattling". It's just personal nitpicking, but someone the imaginary of sound rattling is not doing it for me. Booming or resonating perhaps?

For a new challenge...
Garden, glasses and pillows in one. :P
Lost and blind
I can't find them
where are they?
Gropeing helplessly
I can't feel them
is there no hope?
I need my glasses
I want to fly away
without them I can't...
Sobs rise in my throat
no more spaceships
no more anything...
Standing I leave
out of my garden
and into my home.
I can do nothing
til they're found
someone please help.
I fall on to my bed
nuzzling my pillow
my thoughts drifting far.
At least in my dreams
I can still live free
At least in my dreams
I can still be me


Originally Posted by Missus Catastrophe View Post
A young woman in love with a man, but not just any man. This is the man who killed her mother. She is completely infatuated with him and she has no clue how she knows him. But still she loves him, until she witnesses the murder of another young woman and has to decide between love or justice.
Little did she know
when first she fell for him
that it was by his cruel actions
her mother was taken from her
Many years ago
with this very knife
this outwardly kind man
had taken her life
No one knows
just how many
a woman lay dead
because of him
Nor can one imagine
such thoughts so grim
when looking at this man
fit always with smiles
and soft with the ladies
with impecable wiles
But no longer
can she see that man
as he turns to her
in a movement so grand
Blood on his shirt
knife in his hand
He begs her understanding
the body chilling behind him
her finger on send
the cops at a push
He promises love
and life long devotion
but can she belive him
can she consider the notion?
Trust in her heart
or do what is right
bring him down hard
or live with the fright....


I thank you all for your challanges, and I hope you keep them comming. I'd like to thank my more difficult contributers, Missus Catastrophe, anaxilea, and Usuke! Congratz on sending my the brain teasers! I look forward to more, and I hope you are all finding these satisfactory. Salut!