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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:20 AM

Mythos: And that just leaves...[checks her notes] the cooks. Then, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this tart caper and get the heck out of dodge.

Seridano: Yes, please. I'm all for wacky hijinks and drama, but even I have a limit.

Mythos: Maybe the staff will be a bit less...colorful...

Seridano: One can only hope. Though, somehow, I doubt it.

In unison: [They sigh as they make their way to the kitchen.]

Mythos: Excuse me, could we speak with Miss Stewart and Mr. Black?

Black: We're a bit busy at the moment.

Stewart: Would you mind coming back later?

Mythos: I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Black: Agreed. And these replacement tarts aren't going to bake themselves, or are you looking forward to having your head parted from your shoulders?

Stewart: I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive Warren, he's been a bit on edge since the theft. We all have. There was more than enough to do back here before everything went south, and now [she throws her hands up in the air].

Mythos: Understandable. There are certainly a lot of mouths to feed tonight.

Black: There always are, and do you know how much appreciation will be shown for our efforts? Not a wit.

Stewart: [Sighs] We do what we must.

Black: We could do better elsewhere. You know it as well as I do, Ruby. If you'd only agree and come along with me. We could make a name for ourselves.

Stewart: I...I told you, I'm not ready yet. We're not ready. In another year or so, maybe, but right now... [she chews on her lower lip, clearly distressed by the turn of the conversation].

Seridano: Sorry to interrupt your would be spat but, just as you have a kitchen to run, we have an investigation to run.

Black: [Grumbles]

Stewart: Ask what you will, but please try to be quick about it.

Mythos: To your knowledge, has anyone outside of the staff entered the kitchen?

Stewart: Not that we've seen, and we've been in here all day.

Seridano: All day? So how did a plate of specially made tarts make its way out of here without being noticed?

Stewart: Ah, well, we were away for the opening ceremonies.

Mythos: opening ceremonies?

Black: That's what Gerontious calls his post party speeches. He welcomes the guests, talks himself up, and tries to woo a favored few by showering them with lavish gifts and compliments.

Stewart: Mr. Hammerbottom requested that everyone be in attendance. We watched from the back with the rest of the household staff.

Mythos: And you were away for how long?

Stewart: About 20 minutes or so, if I had to guess.

Black: It was longer than that!

Stewart: [Shrugs]

Seridano: So, what you're saying is anyone could have slipped away and swiped the tarts during the speech.

Stewart: I...well, yes, I suppose so [she looks nervous].

Black: [Glances from Ruby to the detectives. His eyes narrow.] And that's the long and short of it, so if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of baking to do.

Stewart: Warren, please. [To Seri and Mythos: Would you two like a bite to eat while you're here? We've just finished baking a batch of triple fudge chocolate chip cookies]

Seridano: Don't mind if I do. [Takes a cookie].

Mythos: [Follows suits] Thank you very much, Miss Black.

Stewart: Don't mention it, dear. You two seem like you've been doing a lot of running around for Mr Hammerbottom. You deserve a little treat for your efforts.

Black: It'll be the only one you get. Mark my words, even if you catch your thief, you'll get no words of gratitude from Hammerbottom.

Mythos: To be perfectly honest, at this point, the unlocking of the front doors may be reward enough.

Seridano: You can say that again.

Investigation location: Conservatory

Investigation Options:

Look under the beanbags


The beanbag pillows don't end up being as fruitful as they once did but you'll not be leaving empty handed! Some careless plant seems to have not noticed your dutiful fluffing and poking pillows and dropped a leaf right onto your head. Well, well...! You're not getting that leaf back NOW, tree! Hmpft!

Snoop around the sofa


It didn't sound like that daunting a job until someone turned on the overhead spot lights and the room became blindingly brilliant. You feel your way forward into the room and, in the nearly oppressive whiteness, you hardly manage to get your hands on some lovely white earrings from one of the sofa cushions. For the sake of your eyes you decide that your retinas are worth more than finding anything in further.

Peep into the planter

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Glittering from just under some of the leafs of fern in the planter you spy a fine but well-used pocket watch. The red and black stylish decorations on the face. From nicks in the gold you can tell that this particular pocket watch was owned by someone who probably fumbled with it often, perhaps even as a nervous tick.

Eyeball the vase


You lean over the vase on the central table right away and notice something floating in between the stems below... it seems you're not the only person who was sticking their noses there as you've managed to retrieve their glasses from the plant water.

Take a gander at the trees


"You might not want--" Hammerbottom starts to say before you find yourself bound to the trunk by wooden branches. "Oh dear..." It seems Hammerbottom's conservatory didn't just have any ol' trees inside. No problem, though! You're a pretty strapping detective... until those trees let you go you're willing to drag it around with you.

Leer at the chandelier

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Whether by eyeballing or swinging on it, you spy some sticky red jam on the once pure white chandelier hanging above. Your curiosity gets the best of you and after some fiddling you discover that there was in fact every reasons to be suspicious of that chandelier when one of it's arms make a clicking noise and a panel near the corner of the room opens up... another secret passage!


EirianHikari planter
Wyrmskyld chandelier
Chexala planter
Aganab vase
blueblackrose chandelier
beautiful_psycho chandelier
GwenaHikari trees
dragoness129 beanbags
Aoi Kazuya planter
Velvet chandelier
Kamikaze chandelier
Rochiel Silverfire trees
Mnemosyne beanbags
Dystopia beanbags
Reveuse chandelier
Irishrain planter
Mageling planter
girlbot9 sofa
Arc Angel chandelier
Divacita vase
shinigamikarasu vase
Vox beanbags
LaVida chandelier
Nema chandelier
SuperZombiePotatoe chandelier
The_Crow sofa
DivineHeart chandelier
Shadami trees
KatMagenta trees
Saravi Boo beanbags
HIM_ROCK chandelier
Nerosity beanbags
Neora planter
pollik17 chandelier
hilarbees chandelier
Arialys planter
ClockReject vase
dessertdesiert sofa
Liztress trees
steelmagghia planter
~LONGCAT~ sofa
wish vase
sadrain chandelier
Vickyll3 trees
zigbigadorlube beanbags
Ethos trees
Miscreant74 planter
Damia Flagg chandelier
hummy chandelier
Antagonist vase
Xogizmoox chandelier
Angel Spirit Girl sofa
PrincessKasumi chandelier
CrimsonShadow chandelier
Kent sofa
Hadsvich planter
DariaMorgendorfer sofa
spicedroses chandelier
p o p p e t planter
Roxxxy chandelier
fireprincess chandelier

Last edited by Mythos; 03-23-2014 at 03:41 AM..