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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-11-2015, 04:07 AM

A +10 Points
The air is crisp and cool, but not chilly, and the sky is blanketed with stars. The perfect weather for a night time stroll along the beach. It’s nice to spend this one on one time with your date, without distractions, and get to know him. You wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

E +9 Points
It’s so refreshing to find a man who enjoys culture in this day and age. And it’s been quite a while since you’ve been to an art exhibit. The gallery is very modern and admittedly some of the pieces are over your head. But it’s a blast, nonetheless.

H +8 Points
You usually try to avoid noisy night clubs, but your date insists on introducing you to a local band he swears you’ll love. And to your surprise, they’re unbelievably good. The club is a bit loud and crowded, but still a good time.

C +7 Points
When you think of dancing, you think of laser lights, thumping beats and flailing around like a headless chicken. Not your cup of tea, but easy enough to do. But when you begin talking about tangos, waltzes and any other dance that requires skill, that’s when you start to sweat. You feel silly as you trip over yourself, but your date walks you through the steps, and pretty soon you’re dancing like a pro.

B +6 Points
There are many fun activities that two people can do on a first date. And up until now you wouldn’t have counted nighttime, glow-in-the-dark paintball as one of them. You dressed up nice for this? You’re hesitant at first, but start to get into it after your first “kill”.

J +5 Points
You’re not an antisocial person. You enjoy meeting new people as much as anyone could. But being dropped in the middle of a crowded party where you know not a single solitary soul is rather uncomfortable. And to make things worse, your date has ditched you to mingle with his friends. Geez. “So how do you know Steve?” Some guy slides up next to you. “I don’t know who Steve is.” You reply. “This is his party.” You roll your eyes. “Oh him. Yeah, our cats went to school together.”
(You've also won: )

G +4 Points
One of the hallmarks of a successful relationship is when you finally get to meet the other person’s parents. Usually you’ve been dating for a while when this happens, and it’s usually not on the first date. So it’s all kinds of awkward when your suitor takes you to his parents’ house. They’re charming people, no denying that, but it’s very uncomfortable when they ask what kind of future you expect with their son. You quickly excuse yourself to the restroom and try to think. … Maybe you can squeeze out a window.

D +3 Points
When asked about the next destination your date remained fairly tight lipped, but remarked he had forgotten what day it was. You stopped at a nondescript building and were led into a room where many people were gathered. ‘Maybe it’s some sort of lecture,’ you think as you take a seat. But all becomes clear when your date rises, says his name and proclaims himself a recovering addict. He then begins to unfurl a lengthy tale of his drug fueled misadventures while your mouth hangs open. He then introduces you to the group, stating his belief that the two of you have a real future together.

I +2 Points
“How ‘bout some live entertainment?” He said. “What kind?” You asked. “Oh, kinda like the ballet.” He replied.
A half hour later you’re sat in the middle of strip club with some woman’s jubblies bouncing in your face. “How is this like ballet?” You inquire, crossly.
“Well, they’re both dancing.
(You've also won: )

F +1 Point
Up until now you hadn’t thought the evening was so bad. But after the movie, your date suddenly grew very quiet. He drove, in silence, to a residential neighborhood. Stopping outside a house, he excused himself without another word. What could this be about?

Minutes later shouts can be heard as he exits the house, pursued by an angry woman. “Please Cindy, please take me back!” He cries.
“I told you we were through!” She bellows, throwing a plate at him.
“You have to!” He points in your direction. “Look what I’ve been forced to date!” … Taking out your phone, you type a reminder to murder Sophie.

Day Five EntriesX

CK -
Damia Flagg -
GwenaHikari -
Woodlandnymph -

hummy -
Iroase Delschatten -
Mimmu -
Roxxxy -
shinigamikarasu -

dragoness129 -
Elirona -
Linnea -
sadrain -
Velvet -

Babyblueyesz25 -
KatMagenta -
Knerd -
Maha-Aamir -
Shadami -

Ascadellia -
GummyBearKisses -
LaVida -
Maria-Minamino -
wish -

blueblackrose -
DivineHeart -
fireprincess -
Kamikaze Kendra -
Liquid Diamond -
Liztress -
star200shadow -

Dystopia -
Vanora -
Wyrmskyld -
Xogizmoox -

Chexala -
Ivvy -
Jeannesha -
Kent -
Nephila -
Nema -

EirianHikari -
zigbigadorlube -
zyne -

Cardinal Biggles -
Divacita -
Hadsvich -

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 02-19-2015 at 11:45 AM..