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Tachigami is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 10:37 PM

Angel leaned forward and felt his heart completely melt away. He was a sympathy crier and what looked like an existential breakdown wouldn't leave him dry-eyed for long. He stood, crossing the room in several long strides and settling himself on the edge of Will's bed. "Look here." He leaned forward and pulled the blanket away from Will's face. "You're not around your family anymore. You don't have to be a blank slate. See, you're around people that don't even know you, you should... find yourself, or at least accept some help to do that. I'm not wasting my time here for my own health, see? I'm not gonna let up 'till you let me in. I want to be your friend and if it means helping you figure out who you are I will. I mean... I have a loving family, a great... relationship... And hell, the least I could do is be... here."

Miraculously he managed to keep his voice steady, but then, his eyes were threatening to tear up. It was frustrating to keep himself steady in the middle of a situation that was obviously painful.