Thread: Embroidery
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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-17-2014, 02:48 PM

@ Melody: I just got to the town past the swamp. That was pretty annoying to go through. >.<

So I cut and ironed my fabric and then I was looking up stuff about what to do with the edges to keep them from fraying. I think using Seam Sealant seems like the easiest option so I'll probably order some of that. Most people sew around the edges with a sewing machine but I don't have one so...

I'm curious Cora: what do you do with the edges of your embroidery?

Also, as I am planning on putting my embroidery projects up on the wall, this is a super great resource for doing the necessary finishing to make sure that it lasts: Displaying embroidery in a hoop | from Hell to Breakfast

I totally can't wait to give this stitch a try:

@ Duke: There's no way I'm getting tomorrow off unfortunately. My fiance is off though and I'm super jealous. >.<

I'm just getting into embroidery myself. I bought a book and some materials at an independent store nearby. Ideally I'd love to go to Joanne Fabrics to shop but we don't have one around here. V_V

I've done cross stitch in the past, which is fun, but I'm looking forward to the more creative aspect of embroidery. ^_^