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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-17-2016, 07:00 PM

Noah and Nyx fell silent as Eleanor took over, no surprise of any kind washing over the woman, though there was a chance that a hunting party notified the woman. Though, even that seemed odd that they were approached first. The three women finally answered the other as the woman had to inquiry her request again; a dangerous situation when it came to dealing with the brunette.

Eleanor watched as the red head stepped forward, her eyes falling to the brand for a moment before watching the woman demonstrate her powers. Fire. Not super uncommon from early tests, though the number of those that survived and made it to them had been slim.

The next one, Ossia stepped forward, showing her brand before her body seemed to mostly meld away. The woman didn't recall any others that had her same powers, though the twins were close with their stealth abilities but they were still physically visible.

Then, the last one stepped forward, almost seeming hesitant about what Eleanor was requesting of them. When she opened her shirt, the hesitation was evident, at least those whom held personal boundaries; Eleanor, however wasn't one of those people. For them, survival was more important that making sure someone didn't accidentally see a more private area on the body.

Without an initial word, Eleanor turned, the shadow of the cave falling over her as she walked towards the back wall. Keeping her hands low, she tapped the wall, the sand 'door' moving away. "This way," she said, her tone low as paused, letting the others catch up. Turning to look towards Nyx and Noah she said, "No, not you two."

Nyx stuck out her lower lip as she said, "Wha? But why? We have to put stuff away." Eleanor shot the white haired woman a look before saying, "No, you need to go back to the river and wash those properly. Powers or not, I'm not having sopping clothes come into the camp."

Before the water woman could say anything more, Noah was pulling her back to the woods. "Don't push it Nyx, Eleanor has a lot to do now," she hissed at the woman as they vanished through the trees.

Once they were gone, Eleanor glanced towards the women before saying, "This way. We have to get you resisted and looked at." She then led the women down towards the large main cavern where Nieko was working away. Ignoring the bustle around the area, as well as the stares from the others as more new people came in, the brunette led the women towards a back room where a tidy blonde held a list before her, reviewing it for who knows how many times.

A pair of blue eyes rose up from the yellowed paper before the woman sighed. "Eleanor, more people?" Stepping to the side, the brunette waved for the women to approach the other. "They're like us. Lydia, this is Nina, Ossia and Vi. I need you to get them recorded and checked out."

Eyes widening, Lydia stepped towards Eleanor holding the list out. The other took it without question before looking at it. "I was going to go with Nieko to get supplies we're short on," she said before scurrying over towards boxes that were stacked up in the corner, pulling out files. "I need you do that for me."

Eleanor shot the woman a look as she stood back up. The look Lydia returned came with her saying, "Eleanor, could you please leave me to my work? These girls look starved and parched, I would rather not keep them waiting in torture for much longer."

The woman stared at the other before saying, "Be thorough." With that, she turned and made her way back towards the main room. Nieko must have heard something, was her guess, since he seemed to find things to do closer to Lydia's room than before.

"Looks like we have shopping to do," she told the male, her hands planted on her hips before she tossed a glance towards a blonde reading a book near the fire. "Sabine, watch up front for me." The woman lifted her red eyes, meeting Eleanor's olive ones, before silently making her way out.

Once Eleanor was gone, Lydia set the files down on the worn wooden table to the side before looking at the women. "Ok, so one at a time, who wants to go first?"