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I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:02 PM

Traditions are the things most of us stand upon and it wouldn't seem right to buck with all traditions, so posting rewards will stay the same.

Top Five Posters will receive gold prizes:
1st Place: 5k
2nd Place: 4k
3rd Place: 3k
4th Place: 2k
5th Place: 1k

Amounts aren't as high as they have been in the past, I do apologize. (Kind of in gold hoarding mode since I am super close to my ultimate goal of one million.) Would like to point out that there is another benefit for having a high number of posts in this thread and it relates back to the raffle. Remember that for every 20 posts you make, you receive an additional ticket to the raffle. Has to count for something right?

Last Poster will received: 5k for their perfect timing effort. A gentle reminder to those that find themselves here at the end vying for that last poster spot...stay on topic. Hasn't happened yet and I want to make sure the integrity of the posting stays true. No at the end please.