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Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 02:35 AM

Hmmm...I know loom knitting is more popular now than it was when I started learning it, but it's still nowhere nearly as common as most other crafts tbh.

And most "patterns" that are available are just people doing slight variations on hats, scarves, and fingerless gloves.
There are a few pattern makers that have put out some pretty unique shawl patterns and one or two that have come up with stuffed animal patterns, but pokemon themed items are pretty rare.

If I were better at making patterns, I'd come out with them myself, but my brain isn't great at making unique patterns. I can usually modify stuff though once I've made the base pattern once or twice.
I have seen a totoro pattern I might be able to modify into Snorlax.

Thanks Kent!