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I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 12-23-2015, 03:19 AM

Guess That Number:
(Also known as the Hot or Cold game)
I will post a number of 1 to ??????. Everyone will have a chance to make their first guess.
1. Once a person has guessed, please wait for my response before posting again.
2. There are levels to the Hot and Cold: They are as follows:
A. Arctic: Any number guessed that is 100 or more outside of the actual number (i.e. 856 was guessed, however, the number is really 324, the response I would give is 856: Arctic)
B. Frigid: Any number guessed that is 75 or more, but not 100 outside of the actual number
C. Cold: Any number guessed that is 50 or more, but not 75 outside of the actual number
D. Warm: Any number guessed that is 25 or more, but not 50 outside of the actual number
E. Hot: Any number guessed that is 10 or more, but not 25 outside of the actual number.
F. Super Hot: Any number guessed that is 9 or less from the actual number.

Last edited by Queen_Andais; 12-23-2015 at 04:28 AM..