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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 11:14 PM

✥ House of Vladamir ✥

After taking in a stranger, their leader was given a necklace. This necklace gave all those under the house of Vladamir the powers of enhanced senses, strength, speed, immortality, fangs and more. The leader used the power they had been given to unite the two houses and bring them under one rule. Fearing down the line the Cain or someone else would try and take the necklace or destroy it and her family, the head of the Vladamir house fled and the location of the necklace that became known as the "Vampire's Heart" vanished with her. Rumors spread about them and they became known as the vampires of legend. The story fading with time. Their house is spread across the world in the current years, all having various opinions on what happened and what to do.

✥ House of Cain ✥

Were the first visited by the stranger, but turned them away, thus causing them to go to the Vladamir house instead. They discovered the change after attacking the Vladamir castle and wounding the eldest son Alexander. They were taken over by the Vladamir house, thus united by their rule. They despised what happened, many seeking over time to try and either take the power of the necklace for themselves, or destroying it to kill all those who had been touched by it once and for all. As time went on, their family spread out just like the Vladamir. Many have their own views about what happened and what should follow.

✥ Humans ✥

Beings outside the two houses. They have played a role over time, whether marrying or bearing heirs with either family. Those who marry into the family and gain the name Vladamir but were not part of the original house do not become 'Vampires' but all decedents of a Vladamir bear the same nature. Some humans over time, whether through marriage, friendship or other means, have learned about the nature of what happened and the necklace. They also have their own views about what happened and what should happen. Seeking to either take for themselves or destroy the necklace. Most are oblivious however, not knowing of what goes on around them.