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Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 03-24-2009, 02:13 AM

I love this thread and the great answers. I will have to think up a question but untill then I can at least answer some questions.

Originally Posted by Bartuc View Post
When the events get delayed for any reason what-so-ever. Why is it that ya'll freak out? I know events are fun and all but people freak out about why they aren't able to go into the forum at the general release date range.

Another question:
In the future, what do you want to see out of menewsha? What would you like it to become?
I freak because the events always start when I'm at work/school/con/something and I get on and can't find the event. My first thought isn't "How dare they not have the event up." No it's "Where is it where is it. I have ten minutes before my parents get home and yell at me because I'm not cleaning. Must hurry!! I can't find it. I know I must have opened the site wrong. Let's see if restarting the computer helps." Which leads me to restart my computer 53 times, stare at the screen and cry, and then finally see the notice at the top or in a thread that says the event has been delayed. Then I feel dumb untill the event starts. Then I become really happy because it is always delayed untill I'm at home.

I would like menewsha to become like a second family, a place of love and acceptance. Hey wait that has already happened.
How about a place with great items? Nope been done too.
I know, a place where everyone can have their very own walrus. You know you want thousands of walruses running around.