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BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:00 PM

Over time I have realised with story telling, which is what rp is about a lot of the time, quality overrides quantity, and relevance helps too! I have read lots and learned lots over my years, and I used to write very descriptively, and have walls and walls of descriptive text,... About completely non relevant things, because that's what I thought was expected, but if you read great novelists, who create massive books and stories,... George r r Martin, Tolkien, jk, Sergei, so on, they are descriptive when they need to be only. No messing around, so there is no "the walls glistened with moisture and it dripped slowly as it began to bead like tears creeping down a gargoyles face" they usually say "the wall was wet!" We know what a wet wall,looks like! Story telling is not about who has the biggest vocabulary or who can use the online thesaurus better!