Thread: Nights' Inn
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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-31-2017, 12:36 PM

Mira didn't make a sound as Viridis turned his wrists this way and that to better get at the lock on the shackles. He tried to stare at the table as she worked, but quickly found himself watching her hands rather intently. Her fingers moved deftly, with a practiced ease. It only took a couple of jiggles and twists for each and then his bonds were gone. The physical ones, at least. But with them, a weight seemed to come off of Mira's soul.

An audible sigh left his lips before he could stop it, a sound of relief maybe? Even he wasn't sure, all he knew was that somehow he felt lighter now. Less connected to his master and the place he had escaped from. He didn't quite understand how removing those could make him feel so much better on an emotional level, but he wouldn't question it.

The gold objects were then placed inside a bag and handed to him. Mira blinked, those crystal blue eyes staring. She could keep them and sell them, he had expected her to. He stared for a few long moments before reaching out to take the bag. He brought it close, hugging it to his chest, a frown touched his lips for the briefest of moments. Part of him wanted to keep them, they had been a gift, but now that they were off, Mira wasn't entirely sure how he felt about them anymore.

He could worry over that later, and slowly the bag was placed down in his lap. Viridis had asked him to drop the title of 'lady', but even a merchant and his daughter were in a higher station than Mira. Of course he would respect her wishes, he would do that without even thinking. The innkeeper had returned, introducing himself. Mira had nodded at the introduction.

At the mention of clothes, the escaped slave's eyes had widened, and silently he watched Hunter return to his place at the bar. Another frown touched his lips. These people were giving him all these things. What could they possibly want from him in return? He had nothing to offer but his services as a slave, but that was the kind of life he was trying to escape from. He could clean, cook, and do all kinds of things. He was very very well trained.

Mira inhaled deeply and looked down at the food on the table. There was so much of it in front of him. Surely this much food had cost too much for it to be wasted on someone like him? Was it really okay for him to eat it? Was this a test? Would they actually get angry if he ate it, but they seemed so nice. Would they get angry if he didn't eat it? There was so much of it, he wasn't sure he would be able to eat all of it. Would that make them angry?

His body began to tremble, fear and uncertainty clear in his eyes as he gazed up from his food to look at Viridis, and then Hunter. If these people were sincere though it would be rude and wrong of him to refuse the food. He was so confused, but slowly he reached for his utensils and hesitantly took a dainty bite of his food.

It was the absolute most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his entire life, he nearly dropped his eating implement from the shock of it. Eyes wide with disbelief and more confusion. Why would they give someone like him something that tasted so good? He put his silverware down, and his eyes went to Viridis and then to Hunter. Mira licked his lips lightly, savoring the taste. "Sir Hunter, isn't...isn't this too good for someone like me to be eating?" His voice was soft and meek, afraid that the food would be taken away.

Afterall, a slave wasn't worth the effort. Again Mira had to remind himself, he was outside the estate walls, things would be different here. Should be different here, but it was rather difficult to accept that fact.