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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 03:01 AM

Maiara rose earlier than most of the others. She quietly went about the room and got ready to do some training and meditation like she did every morning back home. Of course the outfit she chose was somewhat skimpy by most standards held by royalty, not that she cared what the others thought of her. She was only her because her parents forced her to come. The whole thing seemed stupid to her and she wasn’t about to pretend that she was someone she wasn’t just to find a suitor to please her parents. Quickly she shoved the thoughts of her parents and the whole reason for being here to the back of her mind. She took out the ornamentally carved box from beneath her bed, opening it to retrieve her glaive from inside.

A small smirk formed on her pink lips as she stood glaive in hand. Little did her parents know that she had Jake pack up a few of her favorite weapons to bring along on this little trip so that she could keep up with her training. If only Jake had been able to stay so she would have a sparring partner, but that really couldn’t be helped. She made her way down the stairwell by her room and outside of the castle. Looking around she found a suitable spot to practice near the edge of the forest. Yes this place looked fine and it was unlikely that she would be disturbed or even seen for that matter.


Nathanial had arrived late in the afternoon yesterday on horseback. He took his horses to the stable where he tended them before wandering off carrying two bags to find the room in which his other things had been sent to ahead of him. Really he hadn’t planned to bring much with him, but his stubborn mother insisted that he take more so he sent most of his stuff ahead. While wandering the halls he didn’t run into anyone else, which he found a little strange, but at the time he was too tired to worry about such things. Once he found his room he bathed then passed out on the bed not waking up until the next morning.

Nathanial awoke to some noise down the hall from his room. Looking about he wondered where he was for a moment before remembering. Sighing heavily sat up debating on what to do. After a few moments he got dressed, deciding to address his noisy stomach’s demand for food. Once ready he made his way to the hall outside of the kitchen. Hearing voices made him groan slightly. He really hadn’t intended to meet anyone yet, but with several other people in the castle it would be hard to avoid everyone especially since it was early and most of them would be having breakfast too. He considered going out and getting his own food, but decided he might as well start ‘getting to know’ the other guests. Slowly he strode to the doorway of the kitchen. “Morning,” he said, greeting the others. His voice was slightly gruffer than he had intended since he was still tired and not all the way awake.