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Old 12-23-2013, 11:36 PM

Word of the Day:

Quite simply put, everyone can submit a word once a day to earn some gold.

1. Ping KillingFrost to the post
2. The word must include the definition of the word.
3. Try not to use a word that has already been submitted.
4. Each day that you submit a word, you'll receive 500 gold.
5. Words from the Urban Dictionary are acceptable.

Words Submitted:
Kummerspeck (German): Excess weight gained from emotional overeating. Literally, grief bacon.

Knismesis: light tickling.

A rabid breed of human female who is obesessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy. Fangirls congregate at anime conventions and livejournal. Have been known to glomp, grope, and tackle when encountering said obesessions.
Hugh Jackman: 'ello.
Fangirl: SQUEEEEEE! *immediately attaches to Jackman's leg*
Jackman: Security!

unassailable •\ˌən-ə-ˈsā-lə-bəl\• adjective

1. immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
2. without flaws or loopholes

cafune (Brazilian Portuguese): “tenderly running your fingers through your lover’s hair.”

dat romance language doe.

DEC 25
The equivalent of a a facepalm (used out of disgust/defeat at having to entertain the musings of a moron), specifically used when dealing with a religious fundamentalist gomer, who reflexively recites hypocritical psychotic monkey garbage in the absence of any rational thought.
"Did you hear what my hero, the demi-god Pat Robertson said about homosexuality and belly buttons?"

"Holy shit... wasn't it something about innies & outies?"

"Yeah, God says that 'the way it dips is the way you flip,' Matthew 2013..."

"You're an idiot (facepsalm)."

Qualtagh: the first person you see after leaving your house.

rent \ˈrent\ also rend·ed \ˈren-dəd\ rend·ing
transitive verb
1 :to remove from place by violence :wrest
2 :to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence
3 :to tear (the hair or clothing) as a sign of anger, grief, or despair
4 a :to lacerate mentally or emotionally
b :to pierce with sound
c :to divide (as a nation) into contesting factions

Word for the day
Bombilate: To loudly hum or buzz continuously.

Word for the day
fabulate |ˈfabyəˌlāt|
verb [ trans. ]
relate (an event or events) as a fable or story.
• [ intrans. ] relate untrue or invented stories.

yule·tide [yool-tahyd]

1. the Christmas season.

2. of or pertaining to the Christmas season.

selfie[ sel-fee ]
noun [Informal.]
1. a photograph that one takes of oneself with a digital camera or a front-facing smartphone, tablet, or webcam, especially for posting on a social-networking or photo-sharing website: selfies posted by teens on Twitter.

Gongoozler: an idle spectator.

Fancy word for lurker!

sgiomlaireachd: (Scottish Gaelic) when someone interrupts your meal

christmas fatigues
DEC 26
1. camouflage consisting of red, green, and white.

2. Wearing a hodgepodge of Christmas colors in an unfashionable manor.
Careful not to wear your Christmas Pajamas with your Christmas sweater or you will be accused of wearing Christmas fatigues.

Adynamia: helplessness; lack of strength.

insipid[ in-sip-id ]
1. without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality.
2. without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland: a rather insipid soup.



noun: One who roams around in search of amusement.

re·sil·ience [ri-zil-yuhns, -zil-ee-uhns] Show IPA
the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.
ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.
Also, re·sil·ien·cy.

1620–30; < Latin resili ( ēns ), present participle of resilīre to spring back, rebound (see resilient) + -ence

Related forms
non·re·sil·i·ence, noun
non·re·sil·i·en·cy, noun





(used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.)

mångata: (Swedish) the road-like shape that is created when light is reflected by water.

Kine [kahyn] - noun (archaic)
a plural of cow.
Kine [kin-ee] - noun
kinescope - shorten form


Having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying

Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

Impavid (im-PAV-id): adj. from Latin impravidus, from in- (not) and pavidus (fearful): not afraid; fearless

~ the Christian festival held on January 6 commemorating the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ.

~ the moment in which you suddenly see something in a very clear or new way.

Praise Google Christ!
DEC 27
When you put your troubles at the feet of Almighty Google and find yourself a miracle.
I couldn't get my computer to start and Praise Google Christ! I found the answer and it works!

diminish gradually
The snow tapered off after the field was cleared for warmups, but it picked back up toward halftime and kept falling with the mercury.

shlimazl: (Yiddish) someone who experiences constant bad luck

bluestocking \BLOO-stok-ing\ , noun:
1. a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability or interest.
2. a member of a mid-18th-century London literary circle: Lady Montagu was a celebrated bluestocking.
...if you rolled the whole group into one girl, she would be what Norine said — a rich, assured, beautiful bluestocking.
-- Mary McCarthy, The Group, 1963
She reads such deep books—all about facts and figures: she'll be quite a blue-stocking by and by.
-- Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters, 1864-1866

done, occurring, or active at night.

Owls are nocturnal, for example.

hahy-ber-NAK-yuh-luhm, noun
1. a protective case or covering, especially for winter, as of an animal or a plant bud.
2. winter quarters, as of a hibernating animal.
Already it has become something much greater than a house or a home: a hibernaculum, for each of them, of some kind of ecstatic regeneration.
-- Kate Moses, Wintering: a Novel of Sylvia Plath, 2003
This winter home or hibernaculum of the peach-tree borer is a thin affair, with a smooth interior, and is made of bits of frass or particles of bark fastened together with silken threads, which simply covers the borer as it rests curled up on the bark.
-- Mark Vernon Slingerland, The Peach-tree Borer, 1899


noun. A clumsy or oafish person.
synonyms: oaf, lug, lummox, knuckle-dragger, ape

Muon ~
a noun
An unstable lepton, which is any of a family of particles that have spin quantum number 1⁄2 and that experience no strong forces, which is common in cosmic radiation near the earth's surface. It has a mass around 207 times the mass of the electron, and exists in both negative and positive forms.

age-otori: (Japanese) to look worse after a haircut.

Squeamed is what happens to you when you react to something that makes you squeamish.
I saw that new slasher movie, and it really squeamed me out.

Kalopsia: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

mea culpa \may-uh-KOOL-puh\
: a formal acknowledgment of personal fault or error

Borborygmus - The rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine

leave to pass one night away from college

glo·ri·fy [glawr-uh-fahy, glohr-]
verb (used with object), glo·ri·fied, glo·ri·fy·ing.
1. to cause to be or treat as being more splendid, excellent, etc., than would normally be considered.
2. to honor with praise, admiration, or worship; extol.
3. to make glorious; invest with glory.
4. to praise the glory of (God), especially as an act of worship.
Origin: 1300–50; Middle English < Old French glorifier < Late Latin glōrificāre. See glory, -fy

The practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings.

Cavalletti ~ noun
pronounced \ˌka-və-ˈle-tē\
It is a series of timber jumps that can be adjusted in height to school horses.

Pyknic: short and fat.

Triplicate: to make three copies of something

One of your five fingers. That's right! It's a FINGER. The thumb is a finger, so fuck you assholes who say you have four fingers and a thumb!

1. that feel
a meme which represents that somber ronery state of mind which unifies internet users all over the world.

jayus: (Indonesian) a joke so bad that it becomes funny

œ-YAD, noun
1. an amorous glance; ogle.
"Please?" Significant pause and oeillade. Eugene thought of his hopes with Rapunzel, of badly wanting to start a clean slate, baleful of all the miseries Laura had caused whenever they had resumed even a friendship...

Cataclysm (KAT-ah-kliz-em) — 1. a violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change.
2. a violent and sudden change in the earth's crust.
3. a devastating flood.

Introvert - a person who much love being alone. And drain it self when in big crowd.


N. Love interest or committed companion/partner. Abbreviation for "Significant Other

a’aburnee: (Arabic) the desire to die before another person because you wouldn't want to live without them.

Abligurition: excessive spending on food and drinks.

YAHR-bur-oh, -buhr-oh or, esp. British, -ber-uh, noun
1. Whist, Bridge. a hand in which no card is higher than a nine.
"Who kills over a bridge hand? Anyway, I had a total Yarborough—look at my hand and look at her hand!"

Blackhole: A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.
Sentence: "Holy mother of-- that black hole is sucking up that planet!"

Cereologist - A person who specializes in investigating crop circles.

a dungeon that only has an opening at the top

A form of fishing in which a crazy person runs into a lake and searches for holes on the bottom with his foot. Then he inserts his finger into the hole and lets something bite it. Hopefully, it's a catfish. If so, he wrestles the catfish to the surface and drags it to shore. If its not a catfish, he may lose his finger to a snapping turtle or his life to a water moccasin.

apoptosis (ap-op-TOH-sis) — 1. a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself. 2. a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival. 3. cell death.

full of uncertainty; doubtful.
"the prospect for classes resuming next Wednesday seems iffy"
synonyms: tentative, undecided, unsettled, unsure, unreliable, unresolved, in doubt

Dystopia - noun
a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding.

Or a user on menewsha.

SOZ-uhld, adjective
1. Slang. drunk; inebriated.

drachenfutter: the gift a husband needs to buy to placate his wife when he’s done something wrong.

Kendama: a traditional japanese toy that has three cups of different sizes placed on a wooden spike with a smaller cup at the base of the spike and a ball connected to the center with a string. the object of the game is to catch one object with another.

The word of the day is LEGS.
How about we go back to my place and.... I think you know the rest :B


Not exactly centered or straight.
See also awry, askew, out of sorts

Overnumerousness: (1) The result of Negative One alone in a room. (2) Very many; being or existing in great quantity.

SOZ-uhld, adjective
1. Slang. drunk; inebriated.
Sometimes Shona drove into town, got some beer and wine, and we lay under the pohutukawa and got sozzled.

One that is guided by personal advantage instead of consistent & respectable principles, especially politicians.

Not to be confused with a snallygaster, a mythical dragon like beast that is believed to inhabit the Blue Ridge Mountains, that preys upon children & poultry.

Asshole's that don't respect your privacy and annoy you with unwanted texts, Emails, phonecalls, voicemails and visits.

Desenrascanco (Portuguese) - To pull a MacGuyver

Steatopygia: accumulation of large amounts of fat on the buttocks, especially as a normal condition in the Khoikhoi and other peoples of arid parts of southern Africa.

"I like steatopygia and I cannot lie!"

chevrette (ʃəˈvrɛt) - noun: 1.the skin of a young goat 2.the leather made from this skin


1. Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
2. Aggressively boisterous.

1. A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.

earned help·less·ness
noun: learned helplessness
a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.


A young and inexperienced person considered to be presumptuous or overconfident.

urban dictionary: A term used by older people to insult the younger generation.

Arabic name for Beautiful.

A person named Zain is usually set to accomplish big things in life. He is a ladies man and a very tall and muscular person, and a very smooth personality. Usually known for his forward fashion sense and always willing to go out on a limb for anyone. He is a soft-spoken individual who always puts his morals before anything else.
Did you see Zain a

Gonk: A way of saying "oh shit" or it can be used to show disgust. Gonk has many uses and is sometimes used as an emoticon on gaia Menewsha.

onsra: (Indian) the feeling that your love will not last.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-08-2014 at 01:45 AM..