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Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:49 AM

Hm... Well, basically... I am for a broader selection of foreign languages in the curriculum at my school. Basically I go on about how it helps students choose a language that they want & how a foreign language looks good in college (and it is required) etc.

Hm... I like the remake Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I've never seen the first one either. People say it was pretty gross, especially since there was a lady who sold the human soup to a bunch of people. That's gross. And, The Scary Movies are hilarious! xDD I think they're not for me most of the time though.

I haven't seen any vampire horror movies that really interested me.

A couple of gruesome horror movies: House of a Thousand Corpses, and The Devil's Rejects. They're like a series. They're a good couple of movies if you are scared of clowns, and Dr. Satan..... Gah.

Hmmm, Gothika is a good insane asylum movie where Halle Berry is possessed by the spirit of a girl who was killed. She ends up killing her husband after the girl possesses her. It's a good horror mystery for sure.

Um... I can't think right now either.

But yeah, I'll look into some of your movies. ;3

Oh, and what's your candy count?