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saraistarr is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 11:17 PM

I LOVE Avatar. Like, obsessed with it, ever since it started. Like, own a huge fansite on it that eats my life. XDDD Anyone who insults Avatar insults me! (lawl jk)

Originally Posted by Seito
Avatar isn't the best, but it's a lot better then some. I think the fact that they try and make it more like a "kiddy show" (like keeping everything PG-13 or younger) really holds the show back. I wouldn't mind it getting just a tad bit more violent or have just a little more drama and character depth.
I see what you mean, but in my oppinion making something mature doesn't necessarily mean it'll automatically be better. It's got a hell of a lot of character development as it is. And I don't see how violence would be an asset, they're already fighting a ton as it is, how would blood and gore be making it better? *shrug* Not every show has to be dramatic, too, although I think Avatar IS in a lot of cases. They still need to keep it generally lighthearted for the kiddies, and I appreciate that even if I'm not a kiddie! =]

Originally Posted by Katherdante
In my cultural anthropology class the teacher talked about how things may be developed in one country but then they get exported to another where it develops even more and bounces back to the place of origin. That was how he explained we had come so far technologically in the last 50 years. But it has been the case with art and basically everything for ages. (i.e. television was developed in U.S. but the Japanese took up on it and took it further - flat screens - dvds - etc)

I really enjoy how the anime style has been exported to other countries and they are taking concepts from it and making it into something even more. I believe Avatar encompasses this natural and fluid culture exchange.
That's really interesting!! I never knew about that "cycle"... wow, neat. :3

About next season -- I'm guessing September. It's probably too late to start airing in the Spring cuz then they'll only get like 5 eps aired before the summer break. And they never play any new ones during the summer, unless it's a special event like the "movie."

About the live action movie -- there's a new article on saying that M Night Shyamalamanan whoever is actually in talking with the creators for this, says he respects their stuff, so it's looking like he's not gonna butcher it!!! *happy dance*