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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 01:17 AM

Coventina let out a soft giggle as Noctis began to focus so much on their dance that nothing else seemed to cross his mind. Leading him was something fairly easy, for dancing, and fighting was almost one and the same. Her graceful fluid movements softened his own firm and strong ones. It was a little odd of course, his face was so contorted in concentration and hers was so happy and care free it looked like they were almost battling wills. But in this difference they had found love, and in that it blossomed a beautiful connection words could not describe. Hearing Noctis speak of his clan watching them, she turned her head to see just that.

Many of the earth clan were watching them with confused and disgusted looks. Her own clan looked more curious than anything and confusion seemed to be a resounding factor over all else. But in her heart she knew that this was something that time could heal and create understanding. "Let them watch and wonder. Soon the bonding will bring about new understanding and acceptance. You must trust, or at least trust in me, for I trust in them." she said sweetly and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. She would not do anything much more then that in public, for it could still cause an uprising, whether the bonding worked or not. The notion was still new.

Starfish hadn't liked the fact that she had to work with a hot headed dumb witted rock head as a partner. She despised the fire clan and earth clan. Fire clan more because they were so set in their ways that the stick up their asses couldn't be pulled out if you tried for a million years, and the earth clan was full of dull hot headed idiots who need to think before they freak out about something stupid. Rubbing her temples, the deep blue haired woman turned her gaze to the dancing people, as the celebration had continued.

Watching Noctis, her eyes narrowed. How her alpha had gotten to open his thick skull was a miracle, and something that seemed impossible in Star's mind. Though through his movements she could see he was trying his best, and the happiness in Coventina's eyes couldn't be missed. The brute made her happy. How he managed to do it, was once again beyond the warrior. Looking to the alpha's eyes, the female felt a pang of jealousy. She had almost had such happiness... But those rotten wolves from the Vengeance clan had killed her beloved before they had gone threw he mating ceremony. They would all die for what they had stolen from her.

Turning suddenly as she felt a brush on her arm, her bright magenta eyes flashed as they landed upon Fenris. Hearing his words, she nodded in agreement. She would fight with him, for now. Turning to fully face him, she looked over his features again. Typical earth clan wolf. Bulky with too much anger and no brain it seemed. Moving her gaze to the fighting area and warriors in the wings, she smirked. She could take them all on herself, but if she must work with the idiot, so be it. "Fine. I'm not one for celebrations anyway." she said coldly. Stepping forward she passed the male and then pulled off her dress that she had been wearing to look nice for the celebration, it had been ruined in the fight with the alphas anyway.

Standing waiting, the deeply tanned woman was covered in deep brown marks matching the ones upon her face. They held a flowing water like feel the the harsh bold tribal symbols. Her figure was strong and lean, her muscles obvious, her stomach a strong six pack that could rival any males. Simple leather shorts barely covered her hind quarters, as well as a matching leather bra held her chest in place. Leather knife harnesses were on each thigh, ready for access if needed, and she didn't seem bothered by being nearly bare. Her people lived with the water, many wore clothes to only cover what was needed, plus with her body as it was, why be ashamed of it? She was a living breathing weapon, and proud of it.

Flexing her arms and legs, she rolled her head to one side and the other. Stretching out her powers as well, feeling for water in the air, her markings pulsed a bright neon magenta of power. Her glowing eyes turned to her partner and she smirked. "Lets get this on with, its already beginning to bore me." Starfish said, the glow fading, as she wouldn't need to use her powers on these weaklings, not yet anyway.

Pathose watching Landon closely, and was relieved to find his friend reach out a hand to him. Stepping forward, the shadow clone clasped his hand and shook it. "I don't mean to my friend, but you know as well as I do that our victory is so close that I cannot let anything stop it now." he said lightly. Grinning, he patted his friend on the shoulder and paced. "So she wants to meet? I cannot do so now, this celebration is to bring our family together for good, it will make my sister truly one of us again." the alpha said, a bit more of a bounce in his step. It tended to happen when he was more excited and pumped up for something. "Go to her, and tell her I will meet her, have her name the conditions for any other day then this, and I will meet her. Once you send me the stipulations, make sure you go with her. Then together we will end her." he said and looked at his dearest friend in the eyes.

"I cannot explain my happiness." he said genuinely, and chuckled. "We finally get to fufill our dreams, to kill this wretch together and bring peace to our pack. To rule and have people like us be the ones who hold the power!" Pathose exclaimed enthusiastically and ruffled Landon's hair like he always used to, laughing happily. A breeze blew by as they stood smiling at one another and the shadow sighed. "Soon, you will be at my side again and all will be as it should. For now return to her, and I will return to our pack, but do not worry brother, we are always with you." he said, tapping the spot where the secret symbol of vengeance was imprinted on Landon's skin. It glowed from the touch and then went invisible again as the shadow form pulled away. "I will see you soon, brother." Pathose whispered, and the form fell away. The shadows brushed Landon as they had before, before settling and becoming still within the forest once again.

Sighing heavily, Pathose found himself drained as he returned back to his body. Shaking his head, he headed back to the celebration, seeing his sister laughing and dancing with their father, he sat down and accepted a glass of wine. It was very special to see his family whole once again, and soon they would be able to walk through the light of day like they deserve. Taking a deep drink, the male sighed lightly and turned his gaze to his beautiful mate across the way, getting food for him no doubt, as he needed to eat, as she always put it. Closing his eyes, he silently prayed to the moon, to bless his beautiful family, and to bring the peace he was fighting for soon.

Last edited by Seer Of the Future; 08-10-2014 at 02:39 AM..