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Old 06-21-2008, 09:44 PM

  • How to play:
When a pokemon appears, like so:

there is a secret number(s) that will allow you to catch it. Usually, I will display a range of numbers that you can pick to try and catch it. For example, I could post something like:

Bulbasaur appears! It sits quietly admiring the flowers! It seems a number 1 through 10 can catch it!

Now, if you have a pokeball, you can only choose 1 number to try and catch it. greatballs get 2 numbers, and masterballs get 4 to try and catch it. The first to quote it and display the number(s) successfully catches the pokemon. Like this:


Bulbasaur appears! It sits quietly admiring the flowers! It seems a number 1 through 10 can catch it!
Numbers 3 and 6!

Get it?

Now sometimes, a pokemon chooses its owners, it can't be helped. so, please don't be a poor sport if you try to catch a pokemon and it doesn't like you.