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Vickyll3 is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 01:07 PM

I'm so upset
I did this huge post responding to Aya
And I presses the return button like three times on my iPad >:(
Anyways here we go again

I didn't want to bother anyone for the avatar contest, because I know that everyone is busy with there own things, and rl including myself. I wanted to figure out a new method of voting, but I couldn't come up with one. I was going to vote where everyone wins, but it won't only be first though third place, like everyone wins in order like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on, and they will also pick their prizes in that order.

I do love doing the avatar contest but when I did them I felt like I wasn't involved with what was going on in the thread. I really love seeing everyone's creativity, and I personally love avi contest, which is why I loved to do them. I came up with the point games so that I can be more active with everyone. I felt like I was the only one not doing anything, which all of you had something going on always. I felt like this but didn't really mention anything. I don't want you all to think I take the easy was out and is being safe. I'm lazy but not 24/7 lol

I would be glad to do an avi contest, if you all want me too, but I can continue the point game as well.
I can also pass alone the contest to someone else, like hummy also did an avi contest.

I do agree that we do an awesome job setting up so that we can have less text. But then done the line I do feel like our first post get to culttered. Not to put you done hummy, but I think it's just way to much sometime in the first or second post. I think us posting one after the other will help a lot because hummy won't be forced to jam everything for us. I do think we should also pick on color theme to do our text in. Instead of teal, red, blue, purple..... We can pick two to three colors and stick to that. I just think to much didn't colors going on is just to much.

Maybe we each have our color, and we can also post in the colors the whole event, like make a summer type theme for our thread, like the colors of summer.... Like green ranger lol I don't know I love the power rangers. Don't mind this hehe

I am guilty of leaving up the earth day them up, that was honestly the last thing I was thinking of.

Hmmm maybe we don't really have to have a theme and just go with the flow of the event
Just a simple banner. I don't really know how to do banners, but less is more?

I like what Maria said about just maybe picking a page number and give out page prizes that way, because it more simple, and fair to all the loyal RAK posters.

I don't mind it expanding 1-3 pages, because I like the fact that I had some where to put up the avatar contest, and prizes up.... But maybe keep it all in the first page, and use the other pages for storage.

I can't remember what else I said but that was most of it. Don't mind the typos
Just ask me what I ment, thank you