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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-23-2020, 01:29 AM

A date! Priscilla knew it wasn't meant in any kind of romantic way, not when it would involve someone else. Besides, who was she to know what a date was? She'd never been on one, had actually never really wanted to either. Except there Priscilla was, thinking that a date with Key would probably be amazing, wonderful and magical! But she couldn't imagine him seeing her that way, or anyone really. "I'm looking forward to hearing if he agrees or not. Hopefully he says yes, because it sounds like it's going to be quite a lot of fun." She took in Key's blushing with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of melancholy. Maybe he felt more for this friend then he was comfortable admitting?

All of those thoughts flew from her mind, along with her breath, when Key reached out to grasp a bit of her hair. For a second, Priscilla's eyes felt like they were impossibly wide, before she blinked the surprise away. "The whole point is in being as different from myself as I can possibly be." Her voice was subdued, hesitant, as her golden eyes took in the café. "But in any case, I trust you. I'm sure you'll come up with something amazing that will go with my new style." And then she was smiling again, thinking of her new outfits, especially the one Key had chosen just for her.