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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 02-09-2013, 04:39 AM


That evening the Fakir and Lento were writing up some last notes in the conference room before the rest of the group arrived. Both were meticulously pouring over the books, lunar charts, and astrological maps. The Fakir’s method was different from Lento’s due to his eastern upbringing. Lento’s great aunt had a gift with the Tarot decks and was able to accurately predict someone’s fortune.

“Are you sure we have everything?” The Fakir questioned nervously.
“I’m confident, we made a mistake last time…getting unwilling subjects that were weakened physically and spiritually. Joachim is not just a common demon. He is a bit higher up in the hierarchy.” Lento explained.

The Fakir nodded shifting a few papers around making a couple more last notes on one of his sheets. Rastapopoulos contributed very little to the actual research, but contributed a few valuable books he stole from an occult museum which made their research possible

“Summoning demons is one thing but dangerous to allow them control of your body my friend” the Fakir warned.
“It is a chance we must take if we are to gain status in this group” Lento justified.
“I trust in my own abilities Signore Lento” the Fakir nodded.
“I’m a strong individual Fakir” Lento assured him.
“Don’t forfeit your soul Signore Lento, to gain power there is always a price to pay…” the Fakir warned.
“Herr Wagner has made a pact…” Lento pointed out.
“With a lesser demon it appears… an imp according to Joachim. Lesser demons have little power over men with strong wills, but Joachim is a powerful demon which my people from ancient times have feared” the Fakir replied insight-fully.
“What elemental affiliation is Joachim associated with?” Lento ignored the Fakir’s warning.

“Fire, but don’t think you will be able to wield a demon’s power. Mortals are only granted a fraction of their power if they prove worthy to the demon. The more power you wield the higher the price” The Fakir continued.
“The nine circles of Hell have countless souls of the damned, escaping Hell into a purgatory of a barren land is easy to gain according to one book” Lento commented.
Both the Fakir and Lento were finishing their last notes when finally the rest of their circle arrived taking their seat quietly.

“Welcome Lieutenant” Lento acknowledged.
“Great to see great minds not going to waste” Herr Wagner smiled.
Lady Ravena began to look carefully over Lento's astrological diagrams shaking her head and quietly taking note.
“Mars is a good planet for the ritual” she agreed with a quiet comment as she continued to look over his shoulder. “Very fascinating, I knew you wouldn’t disappoint” she said at last.
Rastapopoulos sat quietly taking everything in being the least knowledgeable of the group, still just being bit more than a intermediate.

“Ok gentlemen, let’s hear what went wrong during the ritual” Herr Wagner prompted as everyone took a seat at the table.
“The answer is simple but not so simple” the Fakir began.
“The full moon is a moon of light which brings a demon out in a weakened state. It’s good if you have short term requests of the demon” Lento explained.
“Those of strong will and mind are more difficult for a demon to control due to it being outside of its realm of existence” the Fakir added. "...also unexpected results can take place as we saw in the first summoning" the Fakir continued his thought.
“Thus the ‘Dark Moon’ or the new moon as it is commonly called allows less interference and is much more conducive to helping the ritual succeed." Lento put his two sense in.
Herr Wagner looked a bit impressed but all of this made sense to him. “Continue…” he motioned with his hands.

“The one to host the demon has to be a willing subject or we risk having the same result as the last time” Lento pointed to the window.
“So who would be willing to host a demon?” Herr Wagner asked looking around the room.
“I volunteer…” Lento spoke up.
Lady Ravena and Rastapopoulos gave him a look in disbelief. The Fakir only shook his head.
“One problem, then we don’t have a complete circle, and no one else here is mystic worthy” the Fakir commented.
“Very true, these lowly thugs and the others just don’t have the mind set for any of this” Rastapopoulos added.
“You barely made the cut yourself Master Rastapopoulos… some may have potential” Lady Ravena nodded.
Rastapopoulos swallowed his pride ignoring Lady Ravena's disparaging comment.
“Indeed it is a problem, we need to wait thirteen more days until the dark moon shows itself” Lento agreed.
“Who takes your place Signore Lento” Herr Wagner elegantly asked.
“Oh I know…” Lady Ravena said whispering to Herr Wagner.
“Oh yes! He hasn’t arrived yet… his power and knowledge has risen quickly…even while locked up” Herr Wanger laughed.
Everyone laughed for a moment at Herr Wagner’s comment.

“So you’re looking to gain the power of Joachim?” Herr Wagner said asking a trick question.
“I’m willing to do it for our order, and for whatever purpose we are trying to gain by conjuring demons” Lento answered carefully.
“The purpose…” Herr Wagner laughed.
“The purpose, for conjuring demons… all of you still don’t know yet, even you my dear…” he said looking at Lady Ravena.

Herr Wagner reached in his coat inside pocket producing a cube made of a dark stone which he held in two hands. He sat it on the table as everyone stared at the strange object in wonder. The cube had foreign symbols which none of them recognized written in black markings.

“The true purpose of our mission will now be revealed, observe…” Herr Wagner said taking off his eye patch revealing his red eye once again. He began speaking in a tongue that none were familiar with. As Herr Wagner sat in his seat his red eye began to glow as he held his hand out. The room temperature began to lower as an icy draft began to permeate the room.

After almost five to ten minutes of chanting and the room now feeling just a bit above freezing point, the cube began to react. The marking emitted a black purplish glow and after a moment it began to levitate in the air and for a few seconds the black light from the stone seemed to push all other light away enfolding them all in darkness. Then it slowly began to diminish back to a steady small illumination of the symbols.

None of them has seen such an item before, each one of them coveted the cube even though they had no idea what its purpose was for. Lady Ravena was the only one who had the slightest idea of what it may be.

“This is a key to a… I shall leave the rest of the mission a mystery for now…” Herr Wagner became quiet then said a few more phrases in the strange tongue and the cube spun around quickly in place and the light died to a glow then shed its last light and was dormant once again.


Tintin and Captain Haddock returned home to find Professor Calculus anxiously awaiting their return. Nestor had brought Snowy and Cocoa home each wrapped with a few bandages. Tintin had his right arm in a sling bandaged up as well.
“You make sure you keep that arm in that sling!” Haddock reminded Tintin.
“I know…” Tintin nodded.
Haddock had all kinds of curses flying through his mind as they parked the car but the events that happened spoke for themselves. Tintin was waiting for Haddock to start criticizing his reckless decisions but no berating came. Haddock seemed more concerned for Tintin’s well being than trying to prove a point; as a matter of fact, Haddock was even more affectionate than usual. Tintin didn’t feel smothered by Haddock’s displays of affection, actually Tintin liked it.

Haddock shut the door to the garage after he parked the car. Tintin looked so defenseless with his arm in a sling. Haddock walked over to Tintin and put his arm around him.
“I hope we don’t see your Dobermans again” Haddock commented before they walked in the manor.
“I doubt we will for awhile, they took something that was left for me that seemed to have some kind of significance about it…” Tintin said pondering the idea.
“You mean that little cube you have in your pocket?” Haddock asked quizzically.
“Oh I almost forgot about that cube fragment…we may yet get another visit” Tintin frowned.
“If they do, we’ll be ready for them. I got some good arsenal to send them packing” Haddock commented
“So what do you think that cube is used for?” Haddock asked curiously.

“I haven’t the foggiest notion captain” Tintin shrugged.
When they walked in the manor, they could see the table had already been set for lunch. It was set buffet style with small sandwiches, crackers, cheese, and vegetables. It was something Nestor would do for them when he wasn’t sure of what to prepare.
“I think this fits me just fine” Tintin smiled.

“Well then I’m happy!” Haddock smiled back embracing Tintin as Tintin put his free arm Haddock’s neck. Nestor came in to the dining hall bringing a tray for tea and looked up to see Haddock dressed in his casual brown suit and brown plaid vest while he wore a pair of jeans. Tintin looked nice too in his blue and white diamond cris-crossed vest with a white button up shirt underneath and a pair of his brown caukis. He noticed Tintin slightly standing on his tip toes looking up to Haddock to give him a kiss.

“Master Haddock and Tintin, it’s good to see you both back safely. I have prepared lunch for you” Nestor spoke up to let them know he was in their presence. He knew and could care less about their relationship. Haddock was happy, Tintin was happy, what else mattered Nestor thought.

Haddock looked up and let Tintin go, “I see that Nestor, thank you again!” he smiled.
“I really like it when you do the lunch buffet style” Tintin commented helping himself to some sandwiches.
“Tintin! Captain Haddock!” Professor Calculus said coming into the dining hall with something folded in his arms.
“Cuthbert!” Haddock beamed walking up to him and grabbing him with a strong bear hug.
“Please Captain, I don’t want to end up in the hospital too” Calculus joked.
“Whatever you gave Tintin, he recovered quickly!” Haddock said jovially.
Snowy and Cocoa came walking slowly out of the kitchen both happy to see Tintin doing well.
“Snowy! Cocoa! My brave little children!” Tintin said gleefully petting and receiving kisses from both of them.
“I see your arm is in a sling, but I hear you should recover within a day or so” Calculus estimated.

“It’s just a bit sore, keeping my arm in this position keeps the soreness away” Tintin explained.
“Good I’m glad to hear it” Calculus nodded.
“Thank you Professor for going out of your way for me…if it wasn’t for your quick thinking who knows what may have happened” Tintin admitted.
“Now now now, I’m just doing what I would do for any of my family members” Calculus shook his head. “Oh, and I was able to get a few extra doses of the super antibiotic” Calculus smiled.
“You did?” Tintin was surprised.

“Indeed I did, who knows if you may run into something else as poisonous…there should be enough in that flask for about ten treatments. I have two left in a flask which I have in my lab so I can try to replicate it just in case” Calculus finished.
“You think of everything! You’re truly a genius professor!” Tintin admired him.
“Thank you Tintin” Calculus blushed a little. “The super antibiotic should be in your suitcase which Nestor has already packed for you and the captain” the professor informed him.

“I would also like to add, your plane to Glasgow will leave at five O’clock sir” Nestor interjected. “I would also like to inform you Captain Chester called this afternoon…” Nestor paused.
Haddock and Tintin regarded him curiously. “…and?” Haddock prompted him.
“He says he wishes for you to give him a ring, I left his phone number by the phone” Nestor finished.
“I wonder what he could want?” Haddock asked rhetorically. Tintin only shrugged.
“Why thank all of you again!” Tintin smiled again.
“Well you can thank us by eating so we can be off to the airport before our plane leaves” Haddock winked.
“Of course captain!” Tintin laughed followed by everyone else.

“I’m going to give Chester a ring excuse me…” Haddock said walking to the parlor.
Tintin walked over and filled a plate with a nice combination of food and fixed him a cup of hot tea taking his seat at the table. Secretly despite the jovial moment they were having Tintin still had many questions and unresolved issues that needed to be addressed which he continued to ponder. Professor Calculus joined and reminded him not to forget the special pack he had made for the two of them, a small box for the Detectives, and not to forget both Thompson and Thomson's canes he customized for them
Art by Lost Writer

Last edited by Kole_Locke; 02-14-2013 at 10:36 PM..