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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-16-2012, 08:59 PM


Congradulations on graduating from highschool!

Don't know what to do now? WHether you struggled or excelled we want YOU!

Welcome to Coccoque Academiae

Normal college? WRONG! This school is where highschoolers with abnormal abilities are harvasted and brought to this institution. Its a lovely boarding house and your first few months are spent in scientific testing labs. This school is here to make you into a lean mean fighting machine that knows how to take orders. That's right, its not the pretty little school you dreamed of. You will be trained as living killing machiens, and then sold off to people around the world. This secret organization rules under the radar and steers clear of the government, because what goes on in the school isn't exactly legal. Once your abilities are know you will be trained to become assassins and spies. Your teachers will be tough, and when discipline is needed, they swill punish you harshly. Like getting whipped for example. When you are ready the scientists will then give you a shot that will boost your strengths, and ship you out. Unless of course, you fail to excel... Then your life is at stake. Do you have what it takes to survive or will you be terminated?






Appearence: (Prefurably an anime picture)



Power: (Up to two and must be asked if avaliable by either me or Darkest)

Student/Teacher(AKA Scientist):

Weapon: (Picture or really good definition)

Please pm the skeletons to either Darkest or I

Last edited by Seer Of the Future; 03-25-2012 at 04:13 AM..