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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 04-19-2014, 07:58 AM


October 16, 2013

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Looks like we've got a trouble maker over here! What are you doing in that abandoned house, eh?

It looks like shinigamikarasu has taken a page out of Peeblo's book and is taking advantage of the "Trick or Treat" Halloween season. Sneaking into an old building and throwing a party sure sounds fun, but do you really have to blow it up afterwards?! Our little imp would be proud, but you're going to make such a mess! And judging by that scar on your forehead, this probably isn't the first time that you've done some extreme pranking.

So congraulations to shinigamikarasu! Don't make too much mischief tonight.

February 19, 2014

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Tis the season for fancy tea parties! Shinigamikarasu looks like a pretty intimidating host, though. This avatar is really channeling Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada - Fashionable, better than you, and completely capable of annihilating your self-confidence with a single withering stare. But gosh darnit, I want to be invited to that party!

So cheers to shinigamikarasu for hosting the shindig of the season and looking amazing while doing it. During the next holiday season, can I pretty please be on the guest list?

July 28, 2014

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Here's a lady I'm not gonna be messing with! Is she a soldier or a mercenary? Has she discovered a criminal's hoard in a bombed out building in a warzone, or is this her way of knowing, is there? Anyone volunteering to ask?

This is great though! The fire raging outside, the smoke filling the room. It's clearly some run down area with its dirt floor, who knows what else we'd see in this room if the camera could pan there more stolen gold in those boxes, or is it going to be drugs, we may never know!

September 5, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Good tidings to you all! It's Monday! Yeah! It's Labor Day here in the US. It's the day of laboring. So all you expectant mothers know what to do. Get started. Push! ... That's how Labor Day works, right?

And my AP for the week is... shinigamikarasu:

Man, would you look at that. Cause I have. No, really. For the past few odd days, every time i'd see shinigamikarasu's avatar, i'd have to stop and appreciate it for a few moments. It's just so... cool. A demonic sea creature, floating aloft in an ocean of blood. You think of it, and the idea itself can get cheesy really fast. But shinigami has executed this so well. There aren't too many elements, and what's there is striking. The creature's pale skin pops against the darker colors. It's straight forward, yet has a surrealistic feel. The character actually reminds me of the 1973 film, La Planète Sauvage...
...which is a trippy ass movie, if you've never seen it. --- Good work all around. :)

So congrats to shinigamikarasu on her fourth star! :D

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 10-31-2016 at 02:01 PM..