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The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 06-09-2015, 01:52 AM

Chapter 5

Nora had a couple days before she had to start work. In those days, she bought everything that she thought she might need, and even went through some of the old professor's stuff (which apparently he had neglected to bring with him). She had to keep reminding herself that these kids weren't humans, and probably wouldn't appreciate brightly-colored posters full of happy quotes and smiley faces tacked to their desks, but all-in-all, she think she did a fairly good job.

The room was definitely reminiscent of her old room back on Earth, even though the teaching subject and her students were all quite different. Her desk was positioned at the front corner of the room, on the opposite side of the door in. The board behind her wasn't dry-erase, like the ones back on Earth, but a sort of computer with magic pens. She'd have to get used to using that instead of the holoprojector, though she did go out of her way to order one to be shipped there, just in case.

As she was hauling in the last couple boxes of books, a vulcan male walked up beside her and was observing her quite closely. He was older looking, with graying hair and a few shallow lines on his face. He wore dark grey/black robes and was fairly pale, revealing more of the green blood below the skin than most vulcans did.

Awkwardly, she placed her armload of boxed books on her desk and turned toward him. "Can I help you, sir?"

He looked completely unfazed by her. "I came to introduce myself. I am Professor Trivon, of linguistics. I was informed that the school had employed another teacher, and that the teacher was human. I admit, I was somewhat curious." He took a couple steps into the room, looking directly into her eyes, as if he was searching for answers to unasked questions.

Nora felt a bit uncomfortable, to say the least. "Well... uh, I'm Elnora Hart. Professor Nora, I guess." Vulcans didn't use last names, did they? she thought. "How many professors are here, anyway?"

"Not as many as you may believe, I assure you. There are nine, including yourself. We have four core classes for children who are here to make up for their absence or inability to learn the subject within the first courses. Then we have five extra-curricular, or 'special', classes for others who may need them, or wish to take them."

Nora was intrigued. "So I'm guessing the core classes are Science, Math, Language Arts, and History?" Trivon nodded. "So what are the extra-curriculars? I mean, I know Xenology and Linguistics, obviously. What are the other three?"

"I believe you have already met the Mental Practices professor, Svek. As well there is an Art class, and a Physical Education class."

Nodding, Nora walked back towards the last box of books outside her room and started to lift it. It was heavier than the last, but she was sure she could make it. "I'm guessing these professors cover a lot more than just the general, or what their classes are about, right?"

Trivon raised an eyebrow, as if to ask if she was serious. "Of course. I will assume that you will do the same, Professor Elnora?"

She heaved the box to the ground next to a bookshelf and turned to him, incredulous. "Yeah! You can't even imagine how excited I am about this class. I've always loved children, and xenology is pretty much my life now, so... combining the two, while still getting research done, is well... pretty damn amazing, if you'll pardon my French," she says wistfully as she leans down and starts to put the books onto the shelf.

He raises an eyebrow at her, then leans down to help her with the books. She is surprised, but says nothing as he gently slides them into place. "I do not believe there was any semblance of French within that sentence, Professor Nora. Perhaps you are mistaken?"

"What?" she says automatically, looking up at him. "You know French?"

The eyebrow stays up, and he continues putting books into place carefully, paying no mind to her surprise. "I am a linguistics professor, if you have already forgotten. I was aware of the human's lack of memory retention compared to vulcans, but I had no idea it was so... short."

"I..." Nora was stunned. Did he just insult her? She didn't even know vulcans could do that. But then... "Wait, wait, wait. You're, like, the fist vulcan I've met who's so at ease around me. And the only one who actually calls me 'human'. Have you been around a lot of humans at some point or something? You seem very... accustomed to my type," she finishes suspiciously.

She was almost certain she saw him smirk. "Indeed you have seen through my facade. Yes, I am very accustomed to humans. In fact, I married one."

Nora could have sworn her eyes had bulged out of her head. "Wh - Really? How? I - I mean, for how long? Where are they? I, uh... I mean, if you're... okay with talking about them. Ehm," she finished lamely, looking at the floor in shame. What the hell was that? Stumbling and stuttering like a schoolgirl finding out her best friend had a crush... No wonder vulcans were uncomfortable around her.

But Trivon seemed to take it all in stride. He seemed quite proud of his relationship, even. Maybe he thought of it as a conquest well won. "I met him many years ago, thirty-eight, to be exact. He was very young. I, of course, was not so much." Oh, right. Vulcans lived way longer than humans. How would a relationship like that work, then? A vulcan would have to watch its mate grow old and die, while they barely change. How... discomforting. Nora almost thought to ask him how old he was then, but she figured it would be rude. He paused at her thoughtful expression, however. "Do you truly wish to hear the story?"

"That would be really nice, yes," she said as politely as she could.

Trivon sighed, but he seemed content to tell it anyway. "Very well. I believe he was twenty-three at the time, very young for a man of his rank. He was a Starfleet member. A lieutenant, pilot. I was forty-one, I believe. We met on his starship, as I was part of a group of linguists being sent to a newly discovered planet to help communicate with the species. The journey was very long, and it took several weeks to arrive. Throughout those weeks, Mark and I developed a close friendship. I, being a fairly young vulcan, was not entirely open to the idea of a friendship. However Mark was determined to become my first 'best friend'. On the planet, there were... complications." He paused, then, looking down to the floor as if reliving an unpleasant memory. "Many of the crew and my team did not make it, but Mark... helped me to survive, as I did him. Eventually our relationship progressed." He said the last part as if shrugging off a minor detail.

Nora gaped at him, though, her mind reeling. That was quite the tale, and she was sure there was more to it. "What do you mean 'our relationship progressed'? When? How?" she asked hurriedly, invested in this vulcan's life story.

"I do not understand your enthusiasm, Professor. You wished for me to tell you the story of our meeting, and I did. What more is there?"

Sighing, Nora rolled her eyes. "Love is the best part of any story, Trivon! It's like the icing on the cake! You can't just have the chocolate fluff," she whined. "As for why, call me a hopeless romantic."

He quirked a brow at her but nodded nevertheless. "There isn't much to tell without giving specific details." He paused. "On the planet, we often had to camp together, and he would always feel uncomfortable being close to me to preserve heat. It was very cold on the planet. He then became more at ease, until one night, he kissed me. A very human action, I must say, though I have learned to enjoy it throughout the years - "

"Wait wait wait!" she said again, cutting him off. "Vulcans don't kiss?"

Trivon seemed confused her the outburst. "Not in a similar way to humans, no," he said simply before moving on, ignoring her look of protest. "He seemed to then retreat upon his actions, and refused to conserve body heat with me. Vulcans have a lower resistance to cold, so I was in... poor condition, when he finally returned to me. He explained that he 'wasn't gay and didn't want to be'. I explained that I was neutral on a progression of our relationship. However, by the time we had finally made it back to our ship, he was showing romantic inclinations towards me again." He paused, turning slightly green around his cheeks and on the tips of his ears. "On the journey back to Vulcan, he proclaimed his love for me and we... had an encounter," he said slowly, as if not sure those were the right words to say.

Nora giggled at his bashfulness. "So? Did you return the feelings?"

"Vulcans do not have feelings."

She rolled her eyes. "If I had a penny for every time I heard that..."

It was then that they heard footsteps coming from her open doorway. She turned around to see Svek, dressed in his usual robes and carrying a box of books. "I believe these were addressed to you, Professor Nora. Shall I set them down within the room?" he asked politely, his head turning slightly to the side in his questioning. It was beyond adorable.

"Sure, sure! Right over here, please." She motioned toward the next shelf over from the one her and Trivon had just finished setting up.

She noticed then that Trivon was getting up, looking politely at Svek and then back to her. "I believe I will be leaving now. I am pleased to have met you, Professor Nora," he said as he strode out elegantly.

"Uh... okay. Bye then," she said lamely, though she knew he wouldn't hear her, as she had spoke softly and he was out the door. Turning to Svek, who had just put the box on the ground, she smiled. "Thanks for the help. Had I left it out in the hallway?"

Svek straightened his back and turned toward her slowly. "No, they were delivered to the front desk. I assume they are from the past professor. He has always been very generous."

"Oh. Well, I'll be sure to thank him too then!" She paused, looking to the floor. She had already had a long conversation with Svek about cultural differences, but they had barely spoken about social differences, and this whole 'vulcans don't kiss' thing was knawing at her curiosity. But it was probably way too innappropriate... right? "Hey Svek?" she asked after a moment, hesitation playing at her.


"I..." she sighed, sitting down at one of the student desks. Taking a hint, he followed her and did the same. "We should talk some more. Sometime," she said finally, in a rush of nervous words.

He blinked slowly at her, as if not quite comprehending it. But that must have just been her imagination. "I would not be adverse to it, if that is what you wish. I admit I am still curious about your people."

She smiled almost blindingly at those words. "Me too. Thanks," she mumbled as she tried to still her rapidly beating heart. Why was this guy getting her so excited? And just to talk?

Maybe it was just pre-teaching nerves.