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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 06-13-2013, 02:20 AM

((Listen to this while reading. T___T THE FEELS.))

Raziel's red eyes followed Riya's movements as she brushed futilely at her tears. Though his expression never changed, a weight settled into the girl's mind. That weight was oppressive at first, almost threatening. It gave way to a strange warmth - the equivalent of a smile.

A flicker of Riya's loving expression passed through their mental link. The impression was followed by a gentle rush of amusement. "Then let them fall, if you can't stop them."

The moment Riya's fingers pressed against his skin, the male thrummed quietly. He looked so pleased in that moment, it was possible he might just fall back asleep. Raziel closed his eyes, looking more content than ever before. "I decided I could use your companionship."

His reasoning was sub-par, but at least he'd made the decision. Raziel kept his eyes closed, his mental gaze exploring Riya's mind and physical being with a new kind of precision. Her damp cheeks and sparkling eyes were easy to see. Riya's scars, though. As Raziel's mind explored them, his concentration was broken by Riya's crying into his chest.

Raziel didn't move. His expression never changed, but a mental pressure resumed over Riya. When the girl sat up, brushing hair from his face, their gazes met. An almost imperceptible change happened. His red eyes softened ever so slightly at Riya's admission. She loved him. Hadn't he once loved her, too?

Falling still and silent, the male watched Riya even as she turned her attention to Demicora and Neeraj.

"You never had feelings for her. They were false - wishful thinking. Beasts don't mix well with mankind, fool."

Raziel didn't respond to the mental lash of his dragon side. Instead, he felt his mind shy away from Riya.

"She makes you weak. She makes you suffer. Don't let her in again."

The male sat up, his gaze flickering to the fire. Raziel said nothing as he prepared the fire for their meal. They would need it to be hotter if they were to cook their meal completely. He would also need to hunt. A stag was enough to fill him, if he didn't have to share.

With a sigh, the dragon eyed his other companions. He was fine with Riya, but the others? Tributes. Tributes fighting to find a dragon to get their tribes in good standing. What would happen if they were to join forces? Raziel eyed them with distrust. He didn't like them any more than he'd liked them the previous evening, even if he'd saved the girl's life. It was only because he'd wanted to deal with Neeraj's stupidity swiftly. He could have just killed them both. In fact, that's just what his dragon side suggested. It was quiet at first, but it gained volume and ferocity with every word either Demicora or Neeraj said.

Trying not to look bothered, the scaled man finished the fire and grit his teeth. I will not.