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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-23-2012, 12:01 AM

Okanzee just fallowed his wife, he didn't want her with him if he died. He didn't want to leave his brother but he just fallowed his wife. Their father and the medicine had placed him on his stomach after cleaning his chest, it was the easiest wound to clean and cover with herbs. They covered it with a cloth wrap to keep it from getting dirty again. Slowly his father started to clean out the cut wound, Chowilawu flinched from the pain. He was fighting to stay awake but the medicine man forced him to drink a mixture he made that forced him to sleep seconds later. "Elizabeth can you get clean water?" His father asked as he continued to dig out the leaves and dirt from the stab wound. The water in the bowl was as gross as it could get, he motioned to the bucket in the corner. The medicine man rubbed the dirt off his back, his back looked worse without the dirt. When he awoke again he would be allot of pain, more then he was more.

"When you come back tell us what happened my daughter." He told her never looking up at her. His son's wound seem to need allot of his attention but he and the medicine man were curious on how he got so hurt. He wanted to know what happened to the ones that did this to him son. You could see the concern and anger at the ones that did this to his son. He turned his head into his own shoulder before coughing harshly, cleaning the wounds was talking allot from him.