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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 03:59 PM

(So its time to get back to my old rp goal of having up to at least 40-50 rps at once on all sites)

Jayce had gotten up to start making eggs, it was really the only thing he knew how to make seeing as he didn't stay home very much. Most of the time he was running around with some girl whatever her name was and then she'd be gone by the time morning would come. Sometimes before morning or right after having fun saying they had to get back or work to be done. Trying not to kill the bacon as he finished the eggs placing them on a plate he kept getting grease splattered at him by the bacon. He turned to see his door open from his view and called out "Are you hungry?" he asked not sure if the other one was but he made plenty for both not sure how big the appetite was.

Jayce had come to the terms that it was a guy and not a woman that stayed the night. His father would be upset if he couldn't produce another heir, so he was trying to figure out how to come out and say it. Then again Jayce himself was straight, even if the body was mostly the same minus a few lumps verses something else. Men couldn't have children and women could. This would put a big strain on the houses since the daughter of the other house of business fell in love with another woman. Not sure what else to say he finished the bacon putting it on the plate setting it on the counter, there was a table but he didn't feel the need to walk over there since the counter was closer. With silence carried in the room he turned off the stove putting juice and milk out as he went to find the other male. "You alright?" he asked, though he knew that was a stupid question. The kid did this to save his sister and now he was probably feeling bad about it. Either way, Jayce wasn't going to add to that nor was he going to let anything out. He was going to keep quiet about it no matter if he was bugged about it or not.

(hope this was alright)