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Dead Account Holder
Confused is offline
Old 04-12-2008, 03:05 PM

Bernadette was sitting near her window, in the middle of writing a sentence in her unimpressive notebook. The Rebels beckoned to Delilah to come down from the castle. Bernie scratched her head and bit the tip of her turquoise pen. She wondered what she could write next. She flipped the pages that she had written so far and looked at how many pages she had left to go. "I should be about halfway done with my story!" she exclaimed with a grin.

Suddenly, the open notebook began to form a swirling electric blue circle. "What the..?" Bernadette began. Then, the swirling thing got bigger and bigger and, without her realizing what was going on, it was sucking her inside of the notebook!

With a thud!, she fell in a forest. "Ow.." she said, rubbing her behind. She found herself looking up at a huge castle, not noticing the three girls with pointy ears, and a really shiny fox.