Thread: Mystery Daze
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-11-2015, 02:47 AM

Roasting hot dogs sizzled, grease popping alongside fat on metal racks. Valentina walked by, shaking her head. Hands held tucked away, hidden from sight. Eyes flicked over signs. To the left, shops all aligned with numbers all in a row. The numbers she searched for weren't there. To the right, things were no different, just another chance to pluck nothing from the air.

She hoped to find better luck, veering into a tucked away side street. Here chimes glinted in the light. They picked it rays, flung them on the walls to dance in patterns. Alight with hope, Valentina sprinted forth. She'd caught her goal, or so it seemed. From the corner of her eye a few numbers called.

But standing before them with crumpled paper rough in hand, she let her head hang low. No luck, not today. Reluctantly, she pulled J'kelo's card from her purse, and dialed his number on her cell phone.