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Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 09-30-2013, 09:44 PM

Additional Resources

Recipe for sugar skulls - CASITA MEXICANA » Sugar Skull Recipe

Q. Why did you post this thread so darn early? The event doesn't start for weeks.
A. The #1 complaint we get for pumpkin carving threads is that folks' pumpkins have already decayed by the time the event starts. Our main complaint for art and craft contests held during events, especially when they coincide with a real life holiday, is that people don't have enough time to make anything before the deadline. We're hoping that starting the thread super early will make this contest more accessible for folks. <3

Q. Why do I have to put my username in the photo? Don't you guys trust me?
A. Because images of carved pumpkins, sugar skulls and other Halloweenish decor are prominent on the internet, the temptation to cheat, for some, is too great to resist. Having your username present before snapping a pic with your creation not only tells us that your work is your own, but also protects your image from other folks easily claiming credit for your work elsewhere.

Q. May I do a freehand drawing instead of using the art templates?
A. Yes, you may, just make sure there's a pumpkin or skull in there somewhere. :)

Q. May I carve something other than a pumpkin?
A. Yes. Since so many people are wanting to do this, go ahead and carve whatever you can get your hands on. I'll group entries into like categories prior to judging so it's fairer for folks. (ie, pumpkins won't have to go up against miscellaneous vegetables, etc)

Last edited by BellyButton; 10-27-2013 at 06:44 PM..