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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 11-19-2015, 08:52 PM

Rory lowered her head in the water, blowing bubbles at the other female as her back legs barely grazed the bottom of the ocean. Her eyes narrowed her as though the 'seal' were trying to challenge this new foe. She wasn't too sure what to expect from a 'Mano Slay' but from Ryna reaction, her sister didn't know either.

As one of their missing companions returned, the Unai's ears flicked out of the water and Reno ran up the shore, little droplets splashing the water's surface around her. She slowly paddled up to the beach, as her paws hit the drier sand, she shifted back to her human form. Making her way towards the dark haired woman, she watched as Reno tried to drag Abi into the water.

Kneeling next to Ryna, her eyes fell to the other woman. "You should smile more," she said sweetly, a small smile forming on your lips. "You're much prettier when you look like you're enjoying yourself."

As Reno came bounding up, Abi slowed her pace, her eyes watching the woman that was making her way towards her, quite excitedly at that. A small smile played her features as she said, "I'll play on the beach, but I am done with water for now."

As the blonde announced wanting to be buried, Rory smiled wider and stood up, moving away from Ryna and towards her sister. With the sad look on Reno's eyes Rory said, "I don't know, I've seen Faline summon up undead monsters that could talk. Not our language or anything, but they can talk!" They weren't zombies, nor were they quite living or dead, they just were; Rory was convinced they were some sort of demon or geist, but the Unai didn't know really.

"So we can pretend you're something like that," she then fell to her knees near the woman, her black hound form returning agains as she started digging in the sand.

Shaking her head, Abi chuckled saying, "Yes, let's add yet another abomination to this island." Soon her own Unai form took over as she assisted her companion in digging their hole. In the sunlight, the flowers and plants that decorated the creature all seemed to move about, keeping in the sun and finding a way for them to all get the rays above them. It really looked as if they were living animals rather than plants.

It was good that Reno was indeed keeping Rory distracted. Abi didn't want to have to tell the Unai that she didn't have to worry about the conversation she had with Zero. She didn't like lying or keeping things from the woman, but she did not feel she had to bother her with this at this point.