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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:48 AM

Another glimmer of a smile when she thanked him for the welcome, there and gone in mere moments. His body was still tense, and he tensed even more when she asked that next question. He moved his hand, bringing it to his throat so his long fingers could almost delicately brush against that collar around his neck as he looked away from her at the same time. That head lowering a bit, and his hand falling to his lap. Both hands were in his lap and clasped tightly together. "..No..This is..This is where I live....I-it's my Inn.." Technically. It was his master's Inn, but he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about his master. The creature that lurked in all the dark places in this building.

Virsat still didn't bring his eyes up to look at her. No one had ever tried to have a conversation with him before, usually the patrons left him alone completely. As if he wasn't even there, and now he was beginning to wonder if maybe the enchantment hadn't worked on her at all. If that were true, then something would need to be done. This woman might be dangerous. He looked at her now, an almost wary glance, but that expression was gone so quickly it might not have been there in the first place. "How...How long will you stay?" He bit his bottom lip gently again.