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GwenaHikari is offline
Old 09-18-2013, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
seams... are just dotted lines... not so difficult.

I didn't see a lot of cobwebs in my life, whatever cobwebs I see are on pictures and TV. I am sure there are weird exception everywhere, nature is amazing to the point that they categorize tiger as cat. -__-;; The only few that I see, is pointed. triangular at the corner of the ceiling.

No one can be perfect, though, high expectation is better than LOW easier reach goal.
Actually you need both: a high expectation goal and a lower expectation goal - otherwise you get bored, burned out and frustrated with the higher goal (especially if its so I high, you may never actually reach it lol). Low goals give that sense of accomplishment and keep you reaching toward your higher goal. Kind of like when I started learning Japanese, at first where I wanted to go with it was incredibly low and superficial (even though I ultimately had a higher goal in mind ), because when I first started, I didn't really know what I really needed to do in order to accomplish my higher end goal but having them (as silly as they were) those kept me focused on at least trying and I have over time modified the lower goals to better achieve my higher Goals are like a tower or a pyramid they build on each other lol Thats why a mix is best, cause if you only have easy goals you'll keep running out of stuff to work toward, but if you only have high goals they'll be annoying to chase after, need to have that balance.

Here is some cobweb practice I've done (to try out other styles for the pants)

They are kind hard to see because of the light background but spider webs are kind of obscure anyway right? lol