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Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-13-2016, 11:17 PM

Trevor was still biting into his chicken sandwich when he entered the enclosure where the dolphins and now, the mermaid, were. There was a platform around the edge of the enclosure, plus a path that crossed some parts of it, so that he could walk through it and see what was happening. His bodyguard had already eaten dinner and followed him to make sure nothing happened but the dolphin enclosure was usually pretty safe because the dolphins were all very nice to the humans. Maybe it was because they gave them food but still nice nevertheless. The new dolphins, the vaquitas and the albino dolphin, had joined the large body of water and were exploring.

Trevor looked around and tried to see where the mermaid was. He walked along the platform and finished his sandwich. He had a salad before, but he decided to just put the salad leaves into his sandwich. So he finished his dinner while walking to find the mermaid to chat with her before he went to greet the guests.