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Electric Dreams
Electric Dreaming
Electric Dreams is offline
Old 02-01-2016, 05:44 AM

Miles looked at the male who was stairing intentsly at him making him feel very unconftable as he did moving slight away, but he had to answer his question he felt he needed to, it would only be far and he didn't want to know the consiqences of not answering the intimadating man at the end of the bed.
His voice pattern wasn't the best, infact it was quiet embarassing for him to speak at this moment but he had to, he looked away from the man to get away from the look.

He would answer honestly he open his mouth to speak "I- aM MIl3s, I'm A uNiT.." He struggled along "BUt I-aM n0t surE wHy I aM HeRe.." He messed with his hands in his lap as he spoke.
"I jUSt fOund You InActIv3.., I DOn't EvEn kNow wHEre heRe Is..?" He explained to the other, he must have sounded awful to the other.