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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 06:37 PM

The man was much taller than her this close up than he had appeared before she charged him, but that wouldn't cause Dayna to waver. Her attacks seemed to have little effect, if any, on his demeanor as he calmly introduced himself. He was a knight of this house, hearing that put the woman at a greater disadvantage, yet at the same time spurred her task. The man danced around her, putting himself on the stairs the she had come down earlier.

Do not let them get to you, a memory recalled. They will try to get into your head, question what you're doing. The sun was setting on the ranch, a much younger Dayna was wielding a wooden sword, fighting the older man. He would swing at her, every time there was a tension between then, he would whisper things to her like 'you're being lied to', 'how stupid of you to believe such stories', 'you don't know anything'. He would whisper anything and everything that he could think of that would waiver the then, child.

Dayna turned around in time for the male's eyes to fall on her again, questioning just what she was there for. And much like the old man had told her would happen, the words started to spew. Her mind remained focused though, her thoughts clear. What purpose would the horseman have to lie to her? He and his family were far from having financial problems, many sought his aid for horses and riding skills, they were set for life. What would those of the dead get from lying to her? If it came to it, she would be killed, would they gain anything from that in the after life?

As the man came at her, she slid backwards, avoiding the blow. She took the few moments to slide her bow down the hall and drawing her sword with her left hand, poising it neatly before her. "A Knight, huh?" She finally spoke as though his questioning and seeming judgement had no effect on her. "Were you alive too? A monster?" Her eyes narrowed, "How did it feel to slaughter those that didn't stand a chance against you? To kill those that had no chance of a fair fight?"

"You say I'm ignorant, yet your duty as a Knight has left you dirty." She would keep him on his toes, she had led their dance thus far and now that he seemed to be getting serious it was time for her to not blindly attack, but see what he could do.