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Inspiration is offline
Old 09-11-2016, 03:29 PM

(I happen to know that Burne is holding his action since jaijin told me so. he's sleeping now so he'll get on and do his after we eat lunch)

Quick summary: During the free round Aya shot a goblin in the back while Jolmah charged in to get within attacking range. On the other side of the 'clearing' Burne arrives from the north stumbling upon the battle and draws his weapon.

First round: Aya releases a second arrow that strikes true. The goblin that was stumbling forward falls into a face plant on the ground. Two arrows now sticking out of its back. Nearby Jolmah smashes the skull in of a second goblin who collapses to the ground. Just for good measure she snapped the spear in half. (I will count it as your 5-foot step that is a free action if you didn't move in the round. :] ) It gave a satisfying crack under her boots.

Of course, it was an audible crack, and the dim witted goblins were finally aware that something was going on outside of the caravan they were taunting. The first (on the right, south side) looks around and fails to notice the dead comrade lying next to it and instead only sees the cleric and moves to fight her. Silly human creature interrupting their fun! It stabs its spear forward at her manages to land a hit for The 6-sided dice lands on 3 points of damage.The second blaunches at the sight of the dead comrade with two arrows in its back, looks up and sees Aya and makes its own decision to flee as fast as it can to the woods.

The third is slightly stupid, failing to notice either dead body, eyes only for the cleric. It charges forward and trips over the dead body sprawling forward, have draped over the dead body, face planted into the dirt road. The fourth turns and sees the cleric and decides to throw their spear instead of rushing forward. Which narrowly misses landing in the dusty dirt road behind Jolmah.

The next goblin turns and flees for the trees, having not expected any challenge in taking the caravan. The fifth goblin still wants whatever treasures are inside the caravan and decides to move to destroying the caravan to get inside. The next goblin turns their attention away from the caravan looking for the source of the sound and spots Burne and moves toward him brandishing its spear and chattering away angrily in goblin.

The goblin on the west of the caravan who has just finished a taunting stab at the caravan wagon looks up only to see Burne and sees not much threat, So it chucks its spear at him narrowly missing the goblin that runs in front of it heading to taunt the caravan being completely oblivious of the battle going on around them. But which strikes the next goblin who jumps back finishing their turn of taunting the caravan in the side of the head for The 4-sided dice lands on 4 +3 points of damage.

The next goblin notices Burne but only stares at the newcomer sizing him up. His tiny brain debating weather to run or fight. Unlike the goblin next to it that immediately starts charging at Burne as an intruder. Another turns and sizes up Burne and decides to chuck its spear which falls very very short of Burne as one of the other goblins as run into his path and gets stuck in the back for The 4-sided dice lands on 2 +3 points of damage.

The next charges Burne Luckily not getting in the way of any thrown spears, as the next one ignores the battle that is slightly sound blocked by the giant wagon in front of its face that it decides to continue taunting as does the goblin next to him who can't quite see Aya. The next two decide to charge Aya though the first gets a little slowed up having to climb through the wooden rungs of the horse harness.

Remaining actions:
Burne move/standard actions

Last edited by Inspiration; 09-11-2016 at 03:36 PM..