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Cardinal Biggles
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Old 04-09-2013, 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mageling View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Equites diu cervice skunk (Long-necked Skunk-Horse)
This is its story:

An early ancestral cousin to both of today's modern skunks and llamas, the long-necked skunk-horse was a fierce creature. While its body was squat and short-legged, its long neck allowed it to see from a vantage point not unlike that of the average adult human male. With its long neck, the skunk-horse was able to feed on more than just ground-roots and shrub berries. It was able to reach the lower branches of fruit trees to supplement its vegetarian diet of plants and grains.

The skunk-horse's preferred habitat was one with ready access to food. Much like today's bears, a skunk-horse would find a hollow in a rock face or the base of a tree in which to make its home. Unlike its cousin-descendants of today, the llama, the skunk-horse would typically make its home in mountain forests where berries and fruits might be found.

While the skunk-horse's legs were indeed curiously short, they were also powerful enough that one good kick or stomp would break bone. However, the powerful legs were not this creatures first line of defense. The long-necked skunk-horse earned the name it shares with its cousin-descendant, the skunk: when frightened or threatened, it would release an intense, near-lethal dose of stink. This would knock out any would-be attacker long enough for the skunk-horse's short, powerful legs to get it out of danger.

This, unfortunately, also happened to be the creature's downfall. Long-necked skunk-horses were notoriously skittish and easily frightened, leading them to produce so much stink that they eventually stunk themselves out as well.

Originally Posted by twotickets View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n):Mephitidae Lama Glama, colloquially known as the "Sklama"
This is its story: Generally a solitary creature, the sklama roams in search of alpine shrubs and mosses to eat. At night, the sklama prefers to sleep among the rocks and snow found at the highest elevations of its mountain habitat.

Because of its unusual coloring, the sklama has often been hunted by humans and its beautiful coat made into ... coats. For this reason, sklamas are very shy and do their best to blend into the landscape, not an easy feat for such a relatively large and strikingly colored creature.

The sklama mates for life but typically produces offspring only once every seven years; even mated sklamas do not share territory. Some scientists have speculated that this is because of their terrible stink; sklamas have quite possibly the worst breath of any mountain creature, and they use a very strong, foul odor produced by special glands under their tails to mark their territory. Many point to these glands as the reason the sklama has never been domesticated.

If threatened, the sklama's first instinct is to run; if escape is prevented, the sklama often tries to soothe itself by marking new territory in its enclosure. This behavior sometimes has the unintended consequence of incapacitating its attackers and allowing for escape. Unfortunately, the sklama is not intelligent and will often stand in a small area it has marked for days without food or water until it dies or until the smell wears away and the sklama forgets the boundaries of its "territory."

Because they are so rare in the wild and have so often been hunted, sklamas are an endangered species protected by law. No human may visit sklama territory, buy or sell sklama remains, or attempt to remove a foul odor it has left behind. For this reason, the specimen before you is one of only three such complete specimens in the world. Humans have not set eyes on a live sklama in nearly fifty years.

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Skalma
This is its story: Breeded by aliens who had first introduced cave men to this earth... the mix of llama and skunk makes a ferocious pack animal able to keep anything tied to it safe for transportation. Warning: Might require airing out after arrival.

Originally Posted by Ling View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Llama llama skunk
This is its story: The llama llama skunk is a shy creature that is rarely seen by human eyes. It lives in the forests of North America eating fruits and insects. Like normal skunks, the llama skunk has the ability to produce a powerful stench. It uses this ability to remain hidden from potential predators stinking up it's surrounding area so much that it causes any creature nearby to faint.

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Striped Peeper
This is its story:

This handsome fellow is the Striped Peeper. The Peeper as its often called, is well spread threw out the forests of Menewsha coming in a variety of colors. They get their name from The showy stripe running along the back and long neck. As well as, their strange behavior. Peepers are often caught peeping at other creatures while grooming themselves. No one knows where this behavior came from. It was originally thought that they were merely kinky six-legged badgers, however we've proven otherwise threw careful study.
This behavior is shared by both male and female Peepers. Often when a mating pair is in courting they'll peep together as well as on each other. So if you ever see a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the window fear not. That's just one of the many in your local population of peeper.
Despite their odd behavior Peepers are rather sly and intelligent. They're ambidextrous and able to use all legs and tail to solve all kinds of problems. Including Opening doors and pickle jars. With a bit of training they are ideal and affectionate pets fun pets. Especially for single young women. Sadly they have seen favor amongst thieves in recent years. They train them cruelly and use them for burglary.
The peepers favorite food is fruits, berries and nuts. However, it's an omnivore and an opportunist, never snuffing its nose at a dead mouse. It also relishes eggs when it can find them.

Angel Spirit Girl:
Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Goat Footed Polecat
This is its story: This shy creature lives high on stony mountainsides. Its goat like cloven feet help keep it from falling when it hops from ledge to ledge. The hooves protect it from the harsh stone terrain as it travels as well. They also use them to paw rocks into little sleeping dens. Their favorite foods are lichens, grasses, seeds, and small insects like ants and woodlice. The insects they lap up with a long sticky tongue in the manner of anteaters. Their coloring lets you know that they are a close relative of the skunk, and will spray a noxious musk to defend themselves just like skunks do.

Originally Posted by Mythos View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Hexitines longi (Common name: Cheerotan)
This is its story: Cheerotan are strange creatures who prefer to live in dewy landscapes such as temperate rain forests or within caves. Because of this it is often assumed that Cheerotan fur is riddled with algae and mold similar to the common sloth however being rather fussy creatures this assumption is far from true. The average Cheerotan can spend around 9 hours a day cleaning itself and it has been hypothesized that this act could potentially be a part of it's mating ritual. Indeed, the strongly contrasting fur pattern of the Cheerotan, particularly the striped variety such as this specimen, is meant to catch the eye of any potential partners that might pass by and a Cheerotan would be at a disadvantage if it's fur were dulled by any imperfections.

In the way of food Cheerotans enjoy a mixed diet consisting mostly of thick leafs, beetles and crisp fruit though they have become a problem for hikers should they be parted with their sandwiches for more than a few minutes unless, of course, said sandwich contains mayonnaise. Cheerotan react to the smell and taste of mayonnaise with extreme repulsion and have been observed admonishing their young when they approached an egg and mayonnaise sandwich.

Other varieties including a wild-cat pattern, a speckled, and clouded pattern exist but are not regionally separated.
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Llamunk
This is its story:

It can be found skulking in the sewers of tibet.
It has amazing hearing, and is attracted by the chanting of the Tibetan monks.

The small head and long skinny neck allow it to peer out from the sewer grates, and listen to the chanting.
Many times it has been known to join in with a beautiful descant.

There have been stories that when startled, the llamunk releases a foul odor, but,'s in the sewers.
How could you tell?

Originally Posted by LaVida View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Llama Skunk
This is its story: The llama skunk is well known for the high quality super glue milk it produces. As a dual agent, the milk smells amazing and acts as one of the best cohesion substances in the world. Surprisingly, the llama skunk smells like a field of flowers and squirts its milk when it is in danger or when it wants to defend itself. The smell relaxes the aggressor and makes the aggressor unaware of the danger of the cohesive super glue milk. Llama skunks were once farmed for their super glue milk, but eventually went extinct due to lower and lower mating rates.

Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Duvalian Dwarf Pied Camelopard
This is its story: Named for it's closest relation, the Pied Camelopard, this smaller version is no different in it's voracious appetite for succulent leaves. However standing only at an average of a meter tall it is limited to eating the lower branches of small trees and those on shrubs. It has few natural predators since the eradication of large hunters on the island of Duval and its populations have flourished in the backyards of the island's inhabitants.

M i n u x e:
Originally Posted by M i n u x e View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Muricatta Lactylia, commonly known as the Striped Enchillian
This is its story: The striped enchillian is a mammal that may look like it is a cross between a llama and a skunk but it's closest relative is actually the cow. Striped enchillians have a gestation period of 9 months and females normally give birth to only one at a time. By about 2 years old these creatures are fully-grown and able to reproduce.
The striped enchillian is a herbivore that exclusively eats thistles. These thistles are extremely unique because they only grow on the Andean mountain thistle plant, which is a plant that is only found in the Andes and as a consequence the striped enchillian is a species native only to the Andes. The plant grows best on the most rugged portions of the mountain, which are almost impossible for any animal to reach. To take advantage of this untapped food source, the striped enchillian evolved a long neck so that it can stand on a lower, easier to reach portion of the mountain and stretch its neck to reach the thistles above. Its short legs also help to lower its center of gravity so it possesses tremendous balance and will never slip and fall while reaching for something.
The striped enchillian has evolved extra long ears that it can raise straight up in order to hear for predators. Its natural predators include the cougar and fox. When a striped enchillian detects a cougar or fox it simply runs higher up the mountain until it reaches an area that the predator can no longer reach, then it stays up there until the predator loses interest.
The striped enchillian is best known for its long white stripe that stretches from the tip of its head to the very end of its tail. This stripe appears when the animal is roughly 1 and a half years old and stays with them for the rest of their life. The prevailing theory regarding this stripe is that it is involved in sexual selection for the species. This is why males, like the one shown in the picture, have a stripe with significantly more white fur than females. Basically, during mating season in the late winter a male will find a female and begin jumping side to side in front of her in a way that makes their long white fur bob up and down. Immediately afterwards, if the female has not left, the male will approach the female and lightly brush its tail against her snout in a slow and gentle manner. It is assumed that the length and cleanliness of the male's white fur plays a very important role in whether or not the male gains the right to mate with the female.
There are estimated to be approximately 150 000 striped enchillians in the wild because they habitat a relatively sparsely populated environment. However, they are still vulnerable due to the fact that they can only survive in the Andes and rely exclusively on the Andean thistle to survive, so if something were to happen to their food source then their numbers would rapidly dwindle.
Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Gulo Camelopardalis (Called the Black-furry tailed Camifferine - (Cam-iff-ering))

This is its story: The Black Furry-Tailed Camifferine spends the majority of its time grazing on the grassy plains of Duval. Their long and furry necks can reach the highest tips of the Jaja Jipatar trees which is the only place their most beloved fruit, the Jiajia fruit, grow. The Jiajia fruit provide the Camifferine with much craved sugars, sweetness, and it is their primary source of water and nutrients. Jiajia fruits are orange and prickly, but the Camifferine's teeth are made to munch on tought leaves, fruit, and bark, while their special saliva breaks down enzymes and proteins found in the different plants and bugs accidentally ingested. They are also able to use digestive spit to spray enemies in the eyes to cause temporary blindness.
The Camifferine has hooves for feet that help it walk with ease through the tall grassy valleys and hills. The unique coloration of the Camifferine easily makes it a very sought out animal by poachers. The fur is soft, beautiful, and the envy of all fur collectors which is why Camifferine's are on the protected list of Duval. It takes fifteen months for the babies to be born and another six years before they are considered mature so the protection of these animals are necessary.
Camifferines live in family oriented packs with up to twenty members. Males tend to leave the pack to seek out other females, my the females stay with their mother for their entire life. So the majority of packs consist entirely of females and males, which are considerably larger, are only around during mating seasons which are in effect during the monsoon seasons of Duval.

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Miniature Mephitidea Lama glama aka Skunkus Llamacus
This is its story: The Skunkus Llamacus is a small yet strange creature of Duval, looking much like a cross between a skunk and a llama. It mostly lives in the forests and around some of the smaller villages on the island. This small mammal stands at a mere 13 inches at the shoulder. The Skunkus Llamacus is a herbavoire with a diet that consisting of mostly of flora and fauna that can only be found here on Duval. One of its favorite foods is the rare Phoenix Orchid. When frightened this creature will often wave it’s head before turning around and spraying the creature that scared it. It maybe be small, but it has also been known to charge when startled. This creature is normally gentle and some people have been known to take these creatures in as pets.
Originally Posted by iamnotspam View Post
This is Day Three
This creature is a(n): Skunkus No-smellus Longneckus Mammalis, or the "Long-Necked Skunk"; it has no scent glands.
This is its story:

"Aliens. It's always those dem aliens, isn't it? Yed thank heyd be happy afterds theyd a'kidanapp-ed all them cows and goats and thangs, and people too, but nooo sirree. Now them space critters done gone afterds the skunks too.

And wouldn't yed thank theyd just took all them skunks and skooted rite on home and lef us alone? 'Corse not! They jes started a'messin with the skunks!....Whut d'ya mean, 'how do I know?' I know cos I was thar!....Whut?....Well I wus ovar cos I done been a'kiddanapp-ed with a skunk I was a'chasin to extarmanate! But when we wur on thar muthershepper, I jes playd dead like a dawg and watched the whole thang.

But thes story ain't about me, it's about them confounded doggone aliens! And dem monters they a'makin ovar in dem muthersheppers! So they been a'kidanappen
all these skunks, but a-par-ently they done like a'lookin at 'em, when it cum all of sudden them dem aliens faces changd and be came all agrowtesk-like. Then they a'took my skunk, the one I was gunna extarmanate, and started prodden it with some sharp pointy thangs, and I say it musta been sharp and panefull cos the skunk a'started squealin' and smellin' up the place. Well, let me tell you, them dem aliens didn't take kinely to that at all.

I mean, yed thank with them a'havin such flat faces and all, they didn't have a nose eethur. But they musta, cos thar faces be came even moren growatusker, which befor I didn't even thunk was possibull, and they pullt out these odd thangs in thar handthangs, and they a'tried to extarmanate that dem skunk a'for me, and they wur shootin all ovar place so's I prayd to God rill hard, until nuther one of them dem aliens cum in and start sayin all thes jib-er-ish, and all them aliens who wur shootin befor started a'lookin at each other'n that's when I started a'thankin the Lord Gawd Almighty like the preecher tawt us to, until I real eyesd they probly wur afterds me now!

But the Lord Gawd Almighty was good to me, and they jes cawt that dem skunk insted and put us - the skunk and I - sapratly in these kine of in-viz-abble boxes, and taken into thes room, and alreddy thar in nuther box was this thang that a'looked like a llama, I know it was a'cos I saw it in a pikture book once. Then them dem aliens took the skunk and the llama and put them in a smaller room. I caint rilly say I know whut happend afterds that, cos there was a lot of brite lites and buttons and thangs, and more a'that jib-er-ish, and I couldn't rilly see the skunk innymore, and I musta falln asleep moren once. The whole thang kine of remahnded me of a mikerowave innyway, so I thought fer sure the skunk was a'done fer.

But then they brung it out this thang that a'look like the skunk and the llama had a mutant baby. And they put it in my box. And then they put some kine of beeping thang on me, and I still caint get it off. And then they a'took the box outside and lef us there. And I had to figger out on my own how to get out of that dem box, but I did. And that, I promiss you, is the truth of how it came to be made, and nuthing but the truth."

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 04-20-2013 at 03:32 AM..